Need help - EET classes full of idiots - no escape!!!



Here is my situation. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering Technology at
community college. I am trying my best to stay focused on my work and get
the heck out of there, but there is no end to the nonsense that goes on
around. I mean like people put LEDs, resistors, etc across the power supply
and make them blow up, put lead clippings in people's jacket hoods, down
shirts, etc and a whole bunch of other stupid stuff all while the teacher is
lecturing. Yes, I did say this is college. All the while they dont shut up
either and its very difficult to concentrate. The professor does nothing to
address this even though I have complained. It is louder in the classroom
than it is in the cafeteria at noon time and it is like this in all of my
classes. So far, with all due modesty, my grades have been excellent and I
have only two more semesters to take, but I don't know if I should see about
transferring out before then. As money is tight, I figured I would finish
up my A.A.S. here and then move on. Attendance is part of the grade so I
have to show up but classes aren't helping because I have to basically spend
the weekends reteaching everything to myself. Has anyone else experienced
this? What would you do?
"ew0054" <> wrote in news:CNcxh.48583$WI6.33117@trnddc04:

Here is my situation. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering
Technology at community college. I am trying my best to stay focused
on my work and get the heck out of there, but there is no end to the
nonsense that goes on around. I mean like people put LEDs, resistors,
etc across the power supply and make them blow up, put lead clippings
in people's jacket hoods, down shirts, etc and a whole bunch of other
stupid stuff all while the teacher is lecturing. Yes, I did say this
is college. All the while they dont shut up either and its very
difficult to concentrate. The professor does nothing to address this
even though I have complained. It is louder in the classroom than it
is in the cafeteria at noon time and it is like this in all of my
classes. So far, with all due modesty, my grades have been excellent
and I have only two more semesters to take, but I don't know if I
should see about transferring out before then. As money is tight, I
figured I would finish up my A.A.S. here and then move on. Attendance
is part of the grade so I have to show up but classes aren't helping
because I have to basically spend the weekends reteaching everything
to myself. Has anyone else experienced this? What would you do?
I had the same problem about 10 years ago and it lead to me QUITTING
school. I really wished I'd filed a lawsuit for breach of contract. It
might be something you could do. Everything I learned I forgot and I'm
STILL paying the bill. Whatever you do just stay focused on your
interest. Have you tried looking into homestudy...say...Cleveland
Institute of Electronics or something like that?

It was rough then and I bet it's even harder to find alternatives now...

good luck whatever you do...just don't give up trying to learn...
You can try picking out the worst offenders, and politely asking
them to stop. If that doesn't work, then try the professor. If that
doesn't, then go to the Dean. Follow the chain of command. Schools
want to make money. They don't want to "bother" those idiots making
noise as long as they're paying. But when other paying students
complain, then they will listen, because they want your money. It
could be the professor doesn't like confrontation.
In one class a young student that had taken the class many times
before kept making snide comments. I tried to keep my mouth shut,
because school doesn't do things like we did in the military, or at
the steel mill. Finally, the student mouthed, "can we go now"? to the
professors question of "any more questions"? So I looked at the
student with the best thousand mile stare I could muster and said,
"You can leave any time you want to. There's no guard on the door to
stop you. You don't have to be here. Leave or shut up." Well, it
didn't work forever, but for a few classes there was quiet. Other
students had mentioned their unhappiness about trying to get studying
Sometimes someone is just waiting for someone else to do it.


On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:54:10 GMT, "ew0054" <> wrote:

Here is my situation. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering Technology at
community college. I am trying my best to stay focused on my work and get
the heck out of there, but there is no end to the nonsense that goes on
around. I mean like people put LEDs, resistors, etc across the power supply
and make them blow up, put lead clippings in people's jacket hoods, down
shirts, etc and a whole bunch of other stupid stuff all while the teacher is
lecturing. Yes, I did say this is college. All the while they dont shut up
either and its very difficult to concentrate. The professor does nothing to
address this even though I have complained. It is louder in the classroom
than it is in the cafeteria at noon time and it is like this in all of my
classes. So far, with all due modesty, my grades have been excellent and I
have only two more semesters to take, but I don't know if I should see about
transferring out before then. As money is tight, I figured I would finish
up my A.A.S. here and then move on. Attendance is part of the grade so I
have to show up but classes aren't helping because I have to basically spend
the weekends reteaching everything to myself. Has anyone else experienced
this? What would you do?
"Larry Dittoe" <> wrote in message

Its not your place to comment, its the lecturers. If they arent doing
anything about it go over their head. All you do is open yourself up for
ridicule and attack if you confront it head on - if youre a big bloke thats
not a problem but then if you were a big bloke you wouldnt be posting here
about it, you'd have lamped them already. We had something similar in our
college days, its perfectly common, even in Uni. I didnt find it much
trouble to ignore and work around anyway though.

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