Need help about components




yesterday a component in my telephone-fax detonated. I would like to
buy a new one but I did not know what it is. Here you can take a look
on the component: The notation on it
is: UE V10K line... 275. It was placed near the the power
supply connector and clos to it there were two diodes and a bobbin.
Can anybody tell me what this component is?
Tech wrote:

yesterday a component in my telephone-fax detonated. I would like to
buy a new one but I did not know what it is. Here you can take a look
on the component: The notation on it
is: UE V10K line... 275. It was placed near the the power
supply connector and clos to it there were two diodes and a bobbin.
Can anybody tell me what this component is?
It looks like it could be a 275 volt MOV (Metal
Oxide Varistor). If it is an MOV, and if nothing
else in the machine is burned out, the device
should operate perfectly, even without the MOV.

A parts list/schematic from the manufacturer
will tell you what it is for sure.
i like your description of it :)
anywaays its a MOV and my guess is that its
a 275V volt.. unit.
since you are in a foreign country compared to me
i think your voltage there is 220 / 50 Hz
so that sounds about rite.
it either failed on its own or you had an electrical problem
there ?
it is an over voltage protection device and is disigned to blow
your fuse if it shorts.
its possible it cought on fire an exploded, i have seen that before.

Tech wrote:


yesterday a component in my telephone-fax detonated. I would like to
buy a new one but I did not know what it is. Here you can take a look
on the component: The notation on it
is: UE V10K line... 275. It was placed near the the power
supply connector and clos to it there were two diodes and a bobbin.
Can anybody tell me what this component is?

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