need flexible LED array schematic for dibetes treatment


Walter Alter

Anyone know of a schematic or plans that might be engineered to serve as an
IR treatement device for nerve problems associated with diabetes?
Commercial units go for $2-3,000 and my local MIRE (monochromatic infrared
energy) clinic is overbooked. The device is basically an array of 80 or so
820nm diodes mounted on a flexible cloth rectangle that is placed in contact
with the affected area, usually the feet for 20 minutes or so. The lights
are pulsed, tho the rate of pulsing is not a matter of therapy, but has to
do with the duty cycle rating of the LED.

It would be a snap for an electronics wiz to throw one of these together and
I'd give it a try if I had a schematic and some assembly tips. For example,
I don't know if surface mount LED's would be the easiest to work with,
battery power source vs 110, etc. Any help on this would be greatly
appreciated. MIRE units are becoming a standard effective self-administered
therapy for diabetics who develop nerve pain and anasthesia in their feet,
and if a workable kit approach could be put out there, thousands of folks
could be helped that otherwise couldn't afford it.

Many thanks,

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