Claudio Incrocci
Does anyone have an old data book? I need the data sheet on a BSS97 power
mosfet. I want to know what I can substitute in its place. There is
another power mosfet that has one pin attached to the BSS97, it is a BUZ32.
I am trying to find out the characteristics on power mosfets and determine
how significant the RDS is and what value is better, is lower resistance
better. There is no schematic diagram available for this board and it works
like a camera flash unit.
Does anyone have an old data book? I need the data sheet on a BSS97 power
mosfet. I want to know what I can substitute in its place. There is
another power mosfet that has one pin attached to the BSS97, it is a BUZ32.
I am trying to find out the characteristics on power mosfets and determine
how significant the RDS is and what value is better, is lower resistance
better. There is no schematic diagram available for this board and it works
like a camera flash unit.