I want to build an external battery pack for a Canon A590IS
digital camera. It would consist of two C or D cells
and would plug into the jack where the Canon ACK800
(aka CA-PS800) AC adapter normally plugs in. This would be
for making long-term time-lapse sequences. But of course I
will need the right power connector. According to this
it is a 2.35 x 0.7 mm connector, which would probably be an
EIAJ-01, formerly sold by Radio Shack as 274-1531, but
apparently no longer. Rats.
Does anyone know where I could find this plug? I hate to
order just one from Mouser. Maybe there's some other really
cheap adapter I could get and scavange the plug off of it.
It looks like this plug is rated only up to 3.15V, so it
would be a wall wort with that kind of output.
And I guess I should ask - is there any way to make a
connector that would work?
Thanks for any suggestions.
digital camera. It would consist of two C or D cells
and would plug into the jack where the Canon ACK800
(aka CA-PS800) AC adapter normally plugs in. This would be
for making long-term time-lapse sequences. But of course I
will need the right power connector. According to this
it is a 2.35 x 0.7 mm connector, which would probably be an
EIAJ-01, formerly sold by Radio Shack as 274-1531, but
apparently no longer. Rats.
Does anyone know where I could find this plug? I hate to
order just one from Mouser. Maybe there's some other really
cheap adapter I could get and scavange the plug off of it.
It looks like this plug is rated only up to 3.15V, so it
would be a wall wort with that kind of output.
And I guess I should ask - is there any way to make a
connector that would work?
Thanks for any suggestions.