Need Circuit for RF frequency counter and seven segment disp


Sanoj Singh

Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888 MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

Thanx :)

-Sanoj Singh
On Thursday, January 9, 2014 10:21:32 AM UTC-5, Sanoj Singh wrote:
Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888 MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

Thanx :)

I don't know much about high speed stuff... like what's the fastest counter one can buy. But you could just divide your input (by say 100) so 30MHz. and then count for one second.

George H.
-Sanoj Singh
On Thu, 09 Jan 2014 07:21:32 -0800, Sanoj Singh wrote:

Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around
3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is
provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e.
3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be
made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto
7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency
using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888
MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

Google is your friend.

I assume this is for a school project? If it's been done before, ask
someone whose done it? Or ask your prof for help?

The way I know how to do this is with a prescaler that takes the insanely
high frequency signal (where the threshold of "insanely high frequency"
just keeps going up every year) and divides it down to something that can
be handled by more ordinary logic. Then you follow that with a regular
frequency counter.

In this degenerate age* you don't even have to do the counter with a ton
of 7400-series logic: instead you can have an architecture that goes

input --> prescale --> FPGA --> display

If your FPGA pins can't source enough current to light up a display
segment, then you may need to go FPGA --> buffer --> display, but that's
a minor issue.

* I learned circuit design in the 7400-series logic era. It was a
degenerate age, where you didn't even have to build the counter with
bunch of discrete transistors and resistors, but could, instead, use 7400-
series logic. If you take the opinion of the honored elders going back
as far as written records survive and integrate them over time, you'll
find out that in the year 2000 BCE we were all highly moral gods, and now
we're pond scum.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
On Thu, 9 Jan 2014 07:21:32 -0800 (PST), Sanoj Singh
<> wrote:

Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888 MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

Thanx :)

-Sanoj Singh

2,6 Ghz enough?

I have seen >3Ghz versions

On 1/9/2014 4:21 PM, Sanoj Singh wrote:
Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888 MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

This is a divide by 1000.

For a 8 digit counter just add another display sections.
On 1/9/2014 7:27 PM, tuinkabouter wrote:
On 1/9/2014 4:21 PM, Sanoj Singh wrote:
Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at
around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display
circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4
module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit.
And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for
displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency
using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888
MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

This is a divide by 1000.

For a 8 digit counter just add another display sections.
A more modern approach:
On Thursday, January 9, 2014 9:35:19 PM UTC+5:30, George Herold wrote:
On Thursday, January 9, 2014 10:21:32 AM UTC-5, Sanoj Singh wrote:

Can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying RF frequency at around 3GHz? This RF is produced using DRO and input to the display circuit is provided after dividing the signal frequency by 4 (F/4 module). i.e. 3GHZ/4 == 750MHZ is to be read by the display circuit. And provisions be made to multiply it again to 3GHz. Precision for displaying 3GHz is upto 7 digit by using 8 seven segment displays.

So, can any one suggest me any circuit for displaying frequency using 8 No. seven segment displays in this fashion ===> 88888.888 MHZ (ie. "03000.000" MHz)

Thanx :)

I don't know much about high speed stuff... like what's the fastest counter one can buy. But you could just divide your input (by say 100) so 30MHz.. and then count for one second.

George H.

-Sanoj Singh


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