I'm building a circuit where I need to connect a sensor to a microcontroller
(AVR MEGA128). The sensor has a full value range of 5-100 ohms. I'm assuming
because of the low resistance building a voltage divider would waste too
much power so I need something else. The best I've found so far is:
Only problem is that I would need to use two AD converters to measure the
voltage and it doesn't run off 5v.
Any Ideas??
I'm building a circuit where I need to connect a sensor to a microcontroller
(AVR MEGA128). The sensor has a full value range of 5-100 ohms. I'm assuming
because of the low resistance building a voltage divider would waste too
much power so I need something else. The best I've found so far is:
Only problem is that I would need to use two AD converters to measure the
voltage and it doesn't run off 5v.
Any Ideas??