For the neighbor's dog. Heard about the ultrasonic noisemakers that
are triggered by a dog's bark, but at $50 and several unfavorable
comments, thought I'd try to roll my own.
Aiming for 16-20 kHz. In a bit of a hurry at the moment, so no C, R1
and R2 chosen yet, but is this a good idea? I've got a couple spare
12V lead acid batteries lying about, and a couple of spare 4 ohm car
speakers (10 watt max), so I'm thinking of using them to amplify a
square wave:
Any comments on this circuit? Should I put a cap between the +12V and
the speaker?
--------------------------[switch]-- + 12V
| |
| |
| _ /
|-- |_| 4 ohm speaker
| | \
-------- |
| 8 4 | |
| | |
| 555 | D
| 3|----47R----G IRF530 MOSFET
| | S
| 1 | |
-------- |
| |
| |
-------------------------------- GND
are triggered by a dog's bark, but at $50 and several unfavorable
comments, thought I'd try to roll my own.
Aiming for 16-20 kHz. In a bit of a hurry at the moment, so no C, R1
and R2 chosen yet, but is this a good idea? I've got a couple spare
12V lead acid batteries lying about, and a couple of spare 4 ohm car
speakers (10 watt max), so I'm thinking of using them to amplify a
square wave:
Any comments on this circuit? Should I put a cap between the +12V and
the speaker?
--------------------------[switch]-- + 12V
| |
| |
| _ /
|-- |_| 4 ohm speaker
| | \
-------- |
| 8 4 | |
| | |
| 555 | D
| 3|----47R----G IRF530 MOSFET
| | S
| 1 | |
-------- |
| |
| |
-------------------------------- GND