Need a little bit of help.
Did a project kit, the velleman-kit K8048, a PIC Programmer
and Experimentation Board.
The first thing I did wrong was to solder in the 2 voltage regulators
the wrong way round and then connect a regulated power supply when it
should have been an unregulated one.
I desoldered the VR's and replaced with new ones.
I purchased an unregulated psu and connected it, but nothing
seems to work (no LEDs coming on). When I touch the first
voltage regulator it becomes hotter and hotter. I pull out the PSU
before it fries.
Can anyone suggest what could be wrong?
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Did a project kit, the velleman-kit K8048, a PIC Programmer
and Experimentation Board.
The first thing I did wrong was to solder in the 2 voltage regulators
the wrong way round and then connect a regulated power supply when it
should have been an unregulated one.
I desoldered the VR's and replaced with new ones.
I purchased an unregulated psu and connected it, but nothing
seems to work (no LEDs coming on). When I touch the first
voltage regulator it becomes hotter and hotter. I pull out the PSU
before it fries.
Can anyone suggest what could be wrong?
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