NEC MultiSynch 2-A Monitor Horiz. Shrinking


JR North

Incredibly, there's no H width adjustment. The width has
shrunk about 1" on each side in the past week. There's no
barrel/convex distortion on the edges, and the picture is
fine, although compressed.
Is there perhaps an H trim pot on the board? I've had this
monitor, and expected it to last...forever.

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JR North <> writes:

Incredibly, there's no H width adjustment. The width has
shrunk about 1" on each side in the past week. There's no
barrel/convex distortion on the edges, and the picture is
fine, although compressed.
Is there perhaps an H trim pot on the board? I've had this
monitor, and expected it to last...forever.
I believe there is an internal adjustment but it doesn't have much range
and adjusting it wouldn't be a good solution anyhow as likely, what has
happened is that a capacitor (most likely) or some other component is
going bad.

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JR North wrote:

Incredibly, there's no H width adjustment. The width has
shrunk about 1" on each side in the past week. There's no
barrel/convex distortion on the edges, and the picture is
fine, although compressed.
Is there perhaps an H trim pot on the board? I've had this
monitor, and expected it to last...forever.

I have one of these sitting in the pile that's ready
to go to the trash. It worked fine when last used.

If any parts are of value to you you're welcome to
them provided that you're willing to spring for the
postage. (to help you decide that, I'm in Winnipeg,

Take care.


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