NCelab: disc quota exceeded


I am having trouble elaborating a VHDL design. When using the 32-bit ncelab,
I get an error stating that an array is too large and the 64-bit version must
be used. After recompiling everything with the 64-bit version of the compiler
and running the 64-bit version of ncelab, I get the following errors:

$ ncelab -v93 -64bit -file linear.args -snapshot rl_lin_small synth_learning_cfg
ncelab(64): 05.40-s008: (c) Copyright 1995-2005 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
ncelab: *E,DLWRTF: Write of intermediate file for snapshot worklib.rl_lin_small:configuration (SSS) failed (Disc quota exceeded).
ncelab: *W,DLSYNC: Library 'worklib' did not sync to disk (Disc quota exceeded).
ncelab: *E,DLPKFL: Failed to flush library worklib to disk (Disc quota exceeded).
ncelab: *F,DLPKFT: One or more fatal errors occurred flushing libraries to disk.

I have at least 100MB free, and snapshots with the 32-bit tools are typically 10
MB in size without the array (the array that could not be elaborated with the
32-bit version was around 5MB in size [the limit is around 4MB]).

Where is it trying to put the intermediate file (maybe I can point it to
somewhere with more space)? Is 100MB of free space just too small? Can I find
out how much space it needs beforehand?

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