Des Bromilow
It's my understanding that if you accept installation of the NBN they
will install a number of cores (2 I presume) into your home from a
street located FOBOT/ aggregation point. It's my understanding they also
remove the copper pair/s from the POTS as part of the install.
I wrote to the NBN mob asking about power outage effects in NBN - I'm
used to still being able to use my cabled phone (not wireless handset)
over POTS due to the power coming from the exchange... I can't see how
that's possible in a "fibre only solution" - Issues I have is to do with
communications during power outages (cyclones, etc) - especially in
relation to emergency services. I've been in cyclone areas where 3-5
days without power is normal - but at least the phones worked.
NBN mob didn't reply back...
Other questions:
If I renew my ADSL contract with xxxx<insert ISP name here> and sometime
during the contract term NBN bangs on my door offering an install, what
would be the status of the contract for the copper service? Commercially
I suspect there would be contract terms and exit penalties, however if
that is the case, then people are trapped between contracts to tie them
to the copper system, and people reluctant to commit to those penalties
- you either have ISPs living month-by-month until NBN rolls through, or
you have people paying more(penalties) on the copper for longer - either
way someone loses.
Is there a commitment to remove the copper? if so, how are those who
refuse (opt out) of NBN going to be serviced?
I'm not trying to start a political discussion over the merits/
liabilities/ efficiencies of NBN under this, or any other guise, but I
do want to understand how it impacts on normal people, and on those who
don't NEED data transfer rates above ADSL or POTS.
Anyone got real life experience on those questions and happy to discuss
will install a number of cores (2 I presume) into your home from a
street located FOBOT/ aggregation point. It's my understanding they also
remove the copper pair/s from the POTS as part of the install.
I wrote to the NBN mob asking about power outage effects in NBN - I'm
used to still being able to use my cabled phone (not wireless handset)
over POTS due to the power coming from the exchange... I can't see how
that's possible in a "fibre only solution" - Issues I have is to do with
communications during power outages (cyclones, etc) - especially in
relation to emergency services. I've been in cyclone areas where 3-5
days without power is normal - but at least the phones worked.
NBN mob didn't reply back...
Other questions:
If I renew my ADSL contract with xxxx<insert ISP name here> and sometime
during the contract term NBN bangs on my door offering an install, what
would be the status of the contract for the copper service? Commercially
I suspect there would be contract terms and exit penalties, however if
that is the case, then people are trapped between contracts to tie them
to the copper system, and people reluctant to commit to those penalties
- you either have ISPs living month-by-month until NBN rolls through, or
you have people paying more(penalties) on the copper for longer - either
way someone loses.
Is there a commitment to remove the copper? if so, how are those who
refuse (opt out) of NBN going to be serviced?
I'm not trying to start a political discussion over the merits/
liabilities/ efficiencies of NBN under this, or any other guise, but I
do want to understand how it impacts on normal people, and on those who
don't NEED data transfer rates above ADSL or POTS.
Anyone got real life experience on those questions and happy to discuss