Don McKenzie
Now I ask, what server will be able to deliver a download speed of 1Gbps, let alone have a network, and an individual PC
receive it at that speed? Am I missing something? I thinketh we will just be waiting 10 times as long!
Just watching Charlie Brown, the so-called tech-guru on Chan 9 today show.
He says Gillard is also offering the filter, and Abbott isn't. Telling us as if it is a concrete fact.
I doubt Charlie's credentials of being a guru somewhat, but why is he also pushing Gillard as bringing in the filter,
when other sources are now saying no?
Cheers Don...
Don McKenzie
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receive it at that speed? Am I missing something? I thinketh we will just be waiting 10 times as long!
Just watching Charlie Brown, the so-called tech-guru on Chan 9 today show.
He says Gillard is also offering the filter, and Abbott isn't. Telling us as if it is a concrete fact.
I doubt Charlie's credentials of being a guru somewhat, but why is he also pushing Gillard as bringing in the filter,
when other sources are now saying no?
Cheers Don...
Don McKenzie
Site Map: http://www.dontronics.com/sitemap
E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.dontronics.com/email
Web Camera Page: http://www.dontronics.com/webcam
No More Damn Spam: http://www.dontronics.com/spam
USB Isolator 1000VDC For Protecting Your PC OR Laptop
These products will reduce in price by 5% every month: