N Korea: Exhibit No. 1 why central planning is doomed to failure...



In short, central planning is like incest: genetic diseases flourish by suppressing all contrary viewpoints, no matter how well-founded.
The US exhibits much of this in its non-scientific efforts to ineffectively manipulate the climate by government edict.
On Monday, January 30, 2023 at 3:34:35 PM UTC-5, Flyguy wrote:
In short, central planning is like incest: genetic diseases flourish by suppressing all contrary viewpoints, no matter how well-founded.
The US exhibits much of this in its non-scientific efforts to ineffectively manipulate the climate by government edict.

NK only exists because the U.S. made it that way, geniuses at work again:

During the war, the Allied leaders considered the question of Korea\'s future after Japan\'s surrender in the war. The leaders reached an understanding that Korea would be liberated from Japan but would be placed under an international trusteeship until the Koreans would be deemed ready for self-rule.[1] In the last days of the war, the U.S. proposed dividing the Korean peninsula into two occupation zones (a U.S. and Soviet one) with the 38th parallel as the dividing line. The Soviets accepted their proposal and agreed to divide Korea.[2]

Soviets made NK a satellite state with a puppet government- boy, that must have just surprised everyone! And to add insult to injury the USSR never did a damned thing to fight the Japanese during the war. They only formally declared war against Japan less than a month before the Japanese unconditional surrender.

Korea has been around for many thousands of years. They know how to self-rule without a bunch of westerners who know next to nothing about their history and culture telling them when they would be ready.


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