My future in electronics


My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own 8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer and building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology extending the life of the human body.


On 25/10/2012 12:10 PM, wrote:

My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own 8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer and building robots,
then buy a warehouse, design, program and build robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology extending the life of the human body.



Yeah Mate,
Should be a piece of cake, I was thinking of doing that myself but then
I got married. When the long life thing gets going I might start again.
I had in mind creating a cure for the common cold and making a fortune.

Cheers ............. Rheilly P
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:10:24 AM UTC+2, wrote:

My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own 8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer and building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology extending the life of the human body.
Definitely sounds possible to me. I'd do it
myself except the guards won't let me have
more than 20000V in my room.

Just remember that all robots should have
a large, easy to grab "off" switch and you
won't go far wrong...
Dream on.... :)

@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
/( _ )\ (Fedora 17 i686) Linux 3.6.2-4.fc17.i686
^ ^ 19:54:01 up 5 days 17:49 0 users load average: 0.00 0.01 0.05
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):

My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own
8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv,
and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in
special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn.
My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english,
spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon
teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought
online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I
complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go
to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and
doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a
graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn
basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web
programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer
and building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build
robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits,
from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors
made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit
microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the
robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future,
can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the
robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live
thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology
extending the life of the human body.



Hi Chris,
I don't see that you need college. You and mom can self study to learn
everything your going need.
Check back in 2020 when finish H.S. and we'll follow up on modern uses
of cathode ray tubes. Might not be a useful technology then.
On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 21:10:24 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

Sounds like a plan. Not a real good plan; but a plan.

You might start more basic and invent the wheel first. Learn to smelt
metals, animal husbandry, crops and calendars, etc..

No doubt saving the basics would be invaluable should civilization

Jesus is savior?

then why bother?
responding to
, Maulkin1989 wrote:
jesusissavior.chris wrote:


My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own
8-bit c
omputer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to
Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special
education c
lass. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching
me a
t home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social
es, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school
textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every
textbook fr
om start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects
finishing a
ll textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors
masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then
go to
college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to
ge to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then
all we
b programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics
engineer a
nd building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build
all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from
le Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from
ode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a
er. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the
r computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself
by d
esigning and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this
sible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of
cal technology extending the life of the human body.



To be an Engineer you have 7 Years To pass The Engineering Test. This requires
a lot of math. This is do able I prefer Technical Schools and Internships to
speed the process along. It is true that you don't have to go to college any
more but I do recommend it. The best in the Contry is MIT and since I am
California I have Berkley, UCLA, Cal Poly Pamona, Cal State San Diego. Then of
course there are the Junior Colleges. The placement process is the most
Grooling. Look toward the future and never go back unless
that is where you want to go. Richard B. Torres. cc. RM/Ddt/RBT


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