My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own 8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer and building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology extending the life of the human body.
My name is Chris. I am 29 years old One day I want to design my own 8-bit computer chip, build and develop cathode ray tubes monitors, tv, and to make Atari 2600 Games. When I was in K-12 School, I was in special education class. diden't learn much. but now I want to learn. My mom is teaching me at home, 6th grade math, 3rd grade english, spelling, science, social studies, and soon 4th grade reading. My mon teach me using new school hardcover textbooks to learn on that I bought online, I will finish every textbook from start to finish. After I complete 12th grade in all subjects finishing all textbooks, I will go to college in mathematics, earn a bachelors degree, masters degree and doctorate degree in math and other subjects, Then go to college to be a graphic artist to create my own graphics, Then go to college to learn basic programming to create video games, then html, then all web programming, then C/C++ to make video games then electronics engineer and building robots, then buy a warehouse, design, program and build robots all by myself to make electronic components, integrated circuits, from simple Cathode Ray Tube projects to computer and arcade monitors made from cathode ray tubes technologies. I will design 8 bit microprocessors on a computer. Then by programming the robots, the robots will build the microprocessor computer chips. In the far future, can all of this be done by myself by designing and Programming the robots to do the rest of the work. Is this possible. I plan to live thousands of years on earth with the advance of medical technology extending the life of the human body.