Jo Pletinckx
In the XST manuals, it is mentioned rather cryptically that these type
of muxes can be more efficient in some cases than the MUXFX versions,
especially for very large muxes. What is actually meant: very large
input muxes, or muxes with a limited number of very wide inputs? I fail
to see how they are more efficient... I've searched the web/news groups
to no avail.
Thanks for your answer,
with regards,
In the XST manuals, it is mentioned rather cryptically that these type
of muxes can be more efficient in some cases than the MUXFX versions,
especially for very large muxes. What is actually meant: very large
input muxes, or muxes with a limited number of very wide inputs? I fail
to see how they are more efficient... I've searched the web/news groups
to no avail.
Thanks for your answer,
with regards,