Mutiple Quartus Instances?


Kenneth Land

Anyone know if there are any gotcha's with working with multiple Quartus (II
v. 4) projects on the same computer?

I'd like to work several approaches simultaneously, but not if there are
side effects - subtle or otherwise.

"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> writes:

Anyone know if there are any gotcha's with working with multiple Quartus (II
v. 4) projects on the same computer?

I'd like to work several approaches simultaneously, but not if there are
side effects - subtle or otherwise.
I naver had any problem with multiple projects and Quartus under Linux
and Solaris at least. However, I'm using mostly scripts in my flow,
and minimal amount of GUI.


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"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message
Anyone know if there are any gotcha's with working with multiple Quartus
v. 4) projects on the same computer?
Hi Ken,

Based on the Quartus architecture you should not:

1. Open the SAME project in multiple Quartus instances, i.e. each Quartus
instance should work on a different project.

2. Do not open a project from the UI and then run the command line compiler
executables from a DOS prompt/command shell (quartus_map, quartus_fit,
quartus_tan, quartus_asm ...) on the same project. Use the UI or the command
line exclusively at any point in your design flow. You can switch between
the two as needed.

3. Don't open and/or close more than one instance of Quartus at exactly the
SAME time. Basically, if one instance of Quartus is trying to close down, it
is in the process of writing stuff to the registry. Then during that time,
another instance of Quartus just starting up may be trying to read that data
whcih may not be correct. Therefore if you initiate a closing of a Quartus
instance let it close fully before you open another one.

Apart from these you are ready to go. Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.
Petter Gustad <> wrote in message news:<>...
"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> writes:

Anyone know if there are any gotcha's with working with multiple Quartus (II
v. 4) projects on the same computer?

I'd like to work several approaches simultaneously, but not if there are
side effects - subtle or otherwise.

I naver had any problem with multiple projects and Quartus under Linux
and Solaris at least. However, I'm using mostly scripts in my flow,
and minimal amount of GUI.

I've got several projects running in Quartus with no porblems. The
problem/opportunity you will come across is when an upgrade to Quartus
is released. Upgrading could cause you to recompile old projects and
perhaps changing something by surprise.

"Subroto Datta" <> wrote in message
"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message
Anyone know if there are any gotcha's with working with multiple Quartus
v. 4) projects on the same computer?

Hi Ken,

Based on the Quartus architecture you should not:

1. Open the SAME project in multiple Quartus instances, i.e. each Quartus
instance should work on a different project.

2. Do not open a project from the UI and then run the command line
executables from a DOS prompt/command shell (quartus_map, quartus_fit,
quartus_tan, quartus_asm ...) on the same project. Use the UI or the
line exclusively at any point in your design flow. You can switch between
the two as needed.

3. Don't open and/or close more than one instance of Quartus at exactly
SAME time. Basically, if one instance of Quartus is trying to close down,
is in the process of writing stuff to the registry. Then during that time,
another instance of Quartus just starting up may be trying to read that
whcih may not be correct. Therefore if you initiate a closing of a Quartus
instance let it close fully before you open another one.

Apart from these you are ready to go. Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.
Thanks Subroto,

With 10 min. compile times I can ping pong between two projects and stay
productive. I've been doing it for some time, but

Quartus is an awesome tool and I really want to learn more about it. The
the Signal Tap II and Simulation modules are fascinating. Takes so much
time and effort to learn the quirks though.


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