Muslims Are Peace Lovers


saadia sheikh

With all due respect this is to inform the whole world, that as it is
a misconception about Muslims that Muslims are spreading terror all
over the world in the way of suicide bombing, which all of the non
Muslims has named as "JIHAD", but i would like to make it very clear
to all of you that Islam is a religion of peace and it teaches the
most peace full ways of living, ALLAH is most beloved to his creatures
in this world even more then the love of 70 mothers and our beloved
prophet HAZRAT MOHEMMED (S.A.W.) was the most loving & honest person
which world has ever had, so how can be their followers could be

read more:
saadia sheikh wrote:
With all due respect this is
Total nitwit, just the last days muslims murdering muslim
man, women and children, al in the name of.........
On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 19:41:19 +0100, Sjouke Burry
<burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnll> wrote:

saadia sheikh wrote:
With all due respect this is

Total nitwit, just the last days muslims murdering muslim
man, women and children, al in the name of.........
But, but their god tells them it is OK...

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