I am trying to build a multiplexer. It has two select lines . When its
'11', it selects A when its '00' it selects B . Now, i do not want to
select anything else and maintain A or B at its output even the select
line changes to anything else like "01" or "10"... How can I do that .
I saw may examples and found that { when others => A <= ( others =>
'X' ) }
I am trying to build a multiplexer. It has two select lines . When its
'11', it selects A when its '00' it selects B . Now, i do not want to
select anything else and maintain A or B at its output even the select
line changes to anything else like "01" or "10"... How can I do that .
I saw may examples and found that { when others => A <= ( others =>
'X' ) }