

Andrew Howard

I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)
I already know how to use a multimeter, so that ain't an issue....

Andrew Howard
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:
I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)
Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.
David Harmon wrote:
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:
I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)

Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.
You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
I bought one today. Cost me $39.95 Australian and I like it already... :)
It has the option to select specific ranges, so that doesn't seem to be a
I have one question though, How do you set 0ohms with these? Do you use
relative measurements, or is supposed to be configured already? I have read
the manual, which wasn't the best in the world, to no avail.

Andrew Howard

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
David Harmon wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:
I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting
one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up,

Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.

You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Andrew Howard wrote:
I bought one today. Cost me $39.95 Australian and I like it already... :)
It has the option to select specific ranges, so that doesn't seem to be a
I have one question though, How do you set 0ohms with these? Do you use
relative measurements, or is supposed to be configured already? I have read
the manual, which wasn't the best in the world, to no avail.

Andrew Howard

Digital Ohm Meters use a constant current source, so they generally
don't have a zero adjust. For low ohm readings, subtract the reading you
get with the leads shorted from the meter reading across the part you
are testing to get the actual resistance. This is only important in very
low resistance measurements. If you need accurate sub Ohm readings, it
requires special test equipment with a four wire set of probes, or
something like the Dick Smith ESR Meter and Low Ohms Meter.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
David Harmon wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:
I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting
one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up,

Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.

You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.
I guess I'm dating myself but I still love my Simpson 260. It's really
difficult to get a good feel for voltage or current "trend" with a digital
meter. I use a Fluke analog differential meter for more accurate
Baphomet wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.

I guess I'm dating myself but I still love my Simpson 260. It's really
difficult to get a good feel for voltage or current "trend" with a digital
meter. I use a Fluke analog differential meter for more accurate
I used to have a Simpson 260, but when you need to read a 15 volt
level to 15.000, they aren't much help. I liked analog meters for
aligning broadcast transmitters, but the early digital meters took too
long to settle. I have five DVMs on my bench, and a single analog meter
that rarely gets used these days. Also, I prefer the Boonton 9200
digital RF millivolt meter to my older 92 series meters, but for now, I
can't afford one. The same with a good Fluke digital true RMS voltmeter
with voltage or dB scales, with a pushbutton to set your reference
level. Try using an analog meter when you have to balance two video
channels to .01 dB. Analog tools are great for older equipment, or
simple circuits, but some designs demand better tools.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
David Harmon wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:

I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)

Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.

You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.
Owning both will be instructive. Kinda like the
difference between working out a problem on paper and using
a calculator, no?

Mark L. Fergerson
Mark Fergerson wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
David Harmon wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:56:24 GMT in sci.electronics.basics, "Andrew
Howard" <> was alleged to have written:

I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)

Try it, you'll like it. The only drawback is that autoranging takes
extra time before you get the reading. It can easily be set to
single range mode to avoid that when reading a series of voltages in
the same range.

You might like it, but I prefer a regular meter where I know what
range a meter is on without waiting for it to decide. Also, if you are
close to the end of a range, they can switch back and forth between
ranges while you are trying to set a voltage.

Owning both will be instructive. Kinda like the
difference between working out a problem on paper and using
a calculator, no?

Mark L. Fergerson
I have one auto ranging DVM and rarely use it. I usually know what
the voltage will be where I am testing, and I prefer to set the meter
range so I can make quicker measurements. Also, some test may need a
half dozen points measured at once, and having preset the individual
ranges makes it easier to keep track of the various points in the

For other people, it may be convenient to use an auto ranging meter.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Andrew Howard" <> wrote in message news:<srFeb.132548$>...
I want to buy my first multimeter soon and I am thinking ofg getting one of
the autoranging ones. I was just wondering whether anyone has had any bad
experiences with this type of multimeter?(eg. bad readings, blowing up, etc)
I already know how to use a multimeter, so that ain't an issue....

Andrew Howard
Personally, I really disklike autoranging meters. If measuring between
2 high voltage points, the wait for it to cycle through the ranges is
annoying. Yes, I know they have a range hold feature but doesn't that
defeat the idea of 'auto'? I have 2 Fluke 8060s, an 8050, and an 8000.
The Flukes (at least the 8060s) are extremely tolerant of stupid
behavior like measuring 1200 volts when set to 200mv scale. Yeah, I've
done it. I use the dB feature a lot for setting up. analog audio
machines. WAY better than VU meters. The diode test mode reads the
voltage drop across the diode. On the 200 ohm scale you can track down
a shorted tantalum by running along the power bus until you get to the
lowest resistance. Heck, I had a 4 layer board with a ground plane and
an internal short on 1 of 2 holes 0.1 inch apart with a 10 mil trace
connecting them. The rate the 8060 settled identified the culprit.
You'll have to pry my Fluke from my cold dead fingers.

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