Hi, total newbie to electronics, I just built a kit which worked first go
fortunately for me, all I basically understood was that capacitors store a
charge and resistors resist the current.
The kit said the test the voltages and so I went ought and bought this
cheapie multimeter . . .
I didn't need to use it as the kit worked fine even with my rudimentary
soldering skills, but I identified the parts correctly and even if my
understanding of electronics was minimal it was a rather mechanical process.
With the multimeter, the instructions are pretty basic with this thing
could anyone point me in the right direction of understanding it's
functionality, once I touch the red and the black pointie things numbers
appear and I'm lost from there,
Thanks in advance for your help.
fortunately for me, all I basically understood was that capacitors store a
charge and resistors resist the current.
The kit said the test the voltages and so I went ought and bought this
cheapie multimeter . . .
I didn't need to use it as the kit worked fine even with my rudimentary
soldering skills, but I identified the parts correctly and even if my
understanding of electronics was minimal it was a rather mechanical process.
With the multimeter, the instructions are pretty basic with this thing
could anyone point me in the right direction of understanding it's
functionality, once I touch the red and the black pointie things numbers
appear and I'm lost from there,
Thanks in advance for your help.