Multicycle paths using clock enable (in Synplify Pro)

Hi all,

I am looking for a generic set of TCL commands (for Synplify) to constrain _all_ flip-flops which are connected to the same clock enable net with the same timing constraints. This would be much easier than constraining every single net on its own. I suppose there should be a set of TCL commands to define those timing constraints.
Let me give you an example: I have a CLK frequency of 40 MHz (rising edge) and all flip-flops in this example design are connected to a clock enable signal. This enable signal takes care that only every second rising edge clock signal is considered. Therefore I want to define a multi-cycle path constraint of "2" for all those flip-flops connected to this clock enable signal.

Does anybody have suggestions for such a set of TCL-based timing constraints?

Thanks in advance.
I don't know about Synplify but this is an altera timequest exampl
(timequest resource

set_multicycle_path 2 -to [get_fanouts [get_pins enable_reg|q*]
-through [get_pins -hierarchical *|*ena*]] -end -setup

set_multicycle_path 1 -to [get_fanouts [get_pins enable_reg|q*]
-through [get_pins -hierarchical *|*ena*]] -end –hold


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Am Freitag, 13. März 2015 14:46:51 UTC+1 schrieb kaz:
I don't know about Synplify but this is an altera timequest example
(timequest resource

set_multicycle_path 2 -to [get_fanouts [get_pins enable_reg|q*]
-through [get_pins -hierarchical *|*ena*]] -end -setup

set_multicycle_path 1 -to [get_fanouts [get_pins enable_reg|q*]
-through [get_pins -hierarchical *|*ena*]] -end -hold


Posted through

Hello Kaz,
thank you for your example. Unfortunately the command "get_fanouts" is not available within Synplify. In the meantime I have developed a semi-automatic approach by using the TCL command "expand". I am generating a list of sequential modules which are enabled by specific clock enable signal:
expand -hier -from {n:*CE*} -seq
With the help of a few editor macros I am building the timing contraints file. And it works!

Welcome to

