I got a reply from Rick asking how these shops convert a single region dvd
player to multi in a mater of minutes. How do they physicly do it? Do they
short a IC pin out and it resets it or what? I have no intrest in doing it
myself, just want to know how they do it.
Many Thanks
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I got a reply from Rick asking how these shops convert a single region dvd
player to multi in a mater of minutes. How do they physicly do it? Do they
short a IC pin out and it resets it or what? I have no intrest in doing it
myself, just want to know how they do it.
Many Thanks
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.532 / Virus Database: 326 - Release Date: 27/10/2003