Paul Urbanus
I'm looking for a PCI board with multiple high-capacity FPGAs
(preferably Virtex2/Virtex Pro) and expansion connectors for
user-designed daughterboards.
The FPGAs should be completely contained on the PCI card - no interface
cards to an external whiz-bang box.
I'm already aware of boards from the DINI group which are pretty close
to meeting my needs. Any other ideas.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
I'm looking for a PCI board with multiple high-capacity FPGAs
(preferably Virtex2/Virtex Pro) and expansion connectors for
user-designed daughterboards.
The FPGAs should be completely contained on the PCI card - no interface
cards to an external whiz-bang box.
I'm already aware of boards from the DINI group which are pretty close
to meeting my needs. Any other ideas.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>