



I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!


I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!

** What is your special interest in "Caller ID " chips ??

Complete devices retail for $10 from Tandy etc.

........... Phil
"Jon" <> wrote in message

I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!


Jon - have you tried ? $5.19 each. Don't know if they
have stock though.

You really should email Phil and get his approval before doing any more work
on this project! ;)

I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!

You really should email Phil and get his approval before doing any more
on this project! ;)

** It is pretty fucking *arrogant* to post a request for an utterly obscure
IC by part number alone and not say who makes it or indicate what it does.

It is also pretty fucking arrogant to ask folk to help out with a project
and NOT say what it is.

If *YOU* think you know about this one, Bob - then why not enlighten
the rest of us ??

It would be good to know the OP is not up to something crazy, illegal or
dangerous - like 90% of the other fuckwits who post such cryptic messages.

............. Phil
Hi Jon,

Perhaps you have seen a design with the MITEL MT88E39 caller ID in it.

"I think" Mitel was taken over by Zarlink

yes.... here's the data sheet and product info page

Here are the Australian distributors

The email address won't work...

There are many other caller ID chips on the market..... and since Aus caller
ID is modelled on the US GR-30 Exchange caller ID standard... then you
have a lot of other options for Caller ID.

Some micro-controllers have integrated caller IC parts..... however, unless
you are doing a volume design (10k~100k)... don't ask for support.

Also Aus caller ID uses the BEL202 modem tone standard, if you have some
tone decoders and can can go as fast as 1200baud.... and smart
micro-software.... then you can do your own caller ID decoding.

Also another IC is from CML (Consumer Micro-circuits Limited).... CMX602 or
FX602.... I think.

BUT....... there are many more.


"Jon" <> wrote in message

I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!


I'm having problems sourcing small prototype quantities of this
component, or its larger sibling the MT88E43. Just wondering if anyone
reading this has used them and has some spare? or suggestions where to
source, I've tried disti's here, USA and europe!


Jon - have you tried ? $5.19 each. Don't know if
have stock though.
i bought some of the 88E43's a couple of months ago for a "special"
answering machine

expect to wait 2 weeks though!

BTW you might want to bypass their Ring detect circuit and use a DAA like
the Redback from Pascom

it will add a few dollars to the project but i assume you wil be doing more
that intercepting the Caller-ID

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