Carl Gilbert
I'm trying to open a vb6 project in vb.net which uses the mscomm component.
When running the vb upgrade wizard in vb.net, an error is raised:
Upgrade failed, unable to load reerenced component
mscomm32.ocx (1.1.0)
You need to install this component before you upgrade the project.
Does anyone know how to install the mscomm component.
For a download of the project I am trying to upgrade follow the link below,
MSComm Exa.
Its just a program to send data to a PCB via the serial port which is my
primary problem.
The PCB controls a stepper motor, http://www.milinst.com/gemodules/5_595.pdf
which says something about sending data like:
+500 20<return> (which should move 500 with 20 millisecond gaps)
Using your PC's Terminal (or HyperTerminal) program. So if anyone know more
about that subject, it woud be greatly apreciated.
Regards, Carl Gilbert
I'm trying to open a vb6 project in vb.net which uses the mscomm component.
When running the vb upgrade wizard in vb.net, an error is raised:
Upgrade failed, unable to load reerenced component
mscomm32.ocx (1.1.0)
You need to install this component before you upgrade the project.
Does anyone know how to install the mscomm component.
For a download of the project I am trying to upgrade follow the link below,
MSComm Exa.
Its just a program to send data to a PCB via the serial port which is my
primary problem.
The PCB controls a stepper motor, http://www.milinst.com/gemodules/5_595.pdf
which says something about sending data like:
+500 20<return> (which should move 500 with 20 millisecond gaps)
Using your PC's Terminal (or HyperTerminal) program. So if anyone know more
about that subject, it woud be greatly apreciated.
Regards, Carl Gilbert