Phil Hobbs
So I'm doing this multi-pixel photon counter front end for a SEM
cathodoluminescence detector. The proto uses a Hamamatsu
S13362-3050DG cooled MPPC running at a gain of about 1.7E6, so each
detection event produces
1.7E6 e = 0.3 pC,
with asymmetrical rise/fall times of about 5/30 ns. To overcome the 320
pF capacitance and maintain a 40-MHz bandwidth with reasonable noise
performance, I built a bootstrap from one of the newish Mini-Circuits
SAV-551+ pHEMTs on fine pitch blob board. It promptly oscillated at 5
GHz, but my trusty TDS 694C can see that.
I often scout that sort of problem using a 4-GHz FET probe with a 1 kV
disc ceramic cap stuck in where the probe tip should go, and no ground
connection--you just lay it someplace nearby and it picks up whatever's
going. (The 1 kV caps have leads of the right diameter for the probe.)
Once I got the oscillation stopped, the noise floor in a 60-MHz
bandwidth was 900 uV RMS after applying a gain of 8.2. The TIA is an
ADA4899-1 with a 1k feedback resistor, so the input-referred current
noise is
i_N = 900uV/8.2/1000/sqrt(60 MHz) = 14 pA/sqrt(Hz).
The Johnson noise of the 1k feedback resistor is 4.0 pA/sqrt(Hz).
Without the bootstrap, the noise would be dominated by the e_N C
contribution due to the MPPC capacitance differentiating the voltage
noise of the op amp:
i_NC = e_Namp * (2*pi*f*320 pF),
and the RMS definite integral from 0 to f_0 is
I_NC = 2*pi * 320 pF * e_Namp * sqrt(integral (f**2))
0, f_0
The integral term is sqrt(f_0**3/3), so the total e_N*C noise is
I_NC = 2*pi * 320 pF * 1 nV/sqrt(Hz)/sqrt(3) * f_0**1.5
The ADA4899's 1-Hz input noise is about a nanovolt, so without the
bootstrap it would be approximately
i_NC ~ 6.3 * 1E-9 * 320E-12 * 60e6**1.5/sqrt(3) = 540 pA/sqrt(Hz).
In order to get this down to the 14 pA level, the voltage noise of the
pHEMT would have to be down around 26 pV/sqrt(Hz), which is at least a
factor of five too low, even with the most optimistic assumptions.
Double-checking underway.
In any event, single-photon events are easily visible, and the dynamic
range is pretty good, limited by the number of MPPC pixels (3600) and
their recovery time of ~20 ns--assuming uniform illumination,
sensitivity will drop by half at
N ~ #pixels/t_rec
2.8 nA primary photocurrent. That works out to almost 50 mA after
multiplication, which would turn the chip to lava, so we aren't going to
be limited that way.
Fun stuff.
Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
cathodoluminescence detector. The proto uses a Hamamatsu
S13362-3050DG cooled MPPC running at a gain of about 1.7E6, so each
detection event produces
1.7E6 e = 0.3 pC,
with asymmetrical rise/fall times of about 5/30 ns. To overcome the 320
pF capacitance and maintain a 40-MHz bandwidth with reasonable noise
performance, I built a bootstrap from one of the newish Mini-Circuits
SAV-551+ pHEMTs on fine pitch blob board. It promptly oscillated at 5
GHz, but my trusty TDS 694C can see that.
I often scout that sort of problem using a 4-GHz FET probe with a 1 kV
disc ceramic cap stuck in where the probe tip should go, and no ground
connection--you just lay it someplace nearby and it picks up whatever's
going. (The 1 kV caps have leads of the right diameter for the probe.)
Once I got the oscillation stopped, the noise floor in a 60-MHz
bandwidth was 900 uV RMS after applying a gain of 8.2. The TIA is an
ADA4899-1 with a 1k feedback resistor, so the input-referred current
noise is
i_N = 900uV/8.2/1000/sqrt(60 MHz) = 14 pA/sqrt(Hz).
The Johnson noise of the 1k feedback resistor is 4.0 pA/sqrt(Hz).
Without the bootstrap, the noise would be dominated by the e_N C
contribution due to the MPPC capacitance differentiating the voltage
noise of the op amp:
i_NC = e_Namp * (2*pi*f*320 pF),
and the RMS definite integral from 0 to f_0 is
I_NC = 2*pi * 320 pF * e_Namp * sqrt(integral (f**2))
0, f_0
The integral term is sqrt(f_0**3/3), so the total e_N*C noise is
I_NC = 2*pi * 320 pF * 1 nV/sqrt(Hz)/sqrt(3) * f_0**1.5
The ADA4899's 1-Hz input noise is about a nanovolt, so without the
bootstrap it would be approximately
i_NC ~ 6.3 * 1E-9 * 320E-12 * 60e6**1.5/sqrt(3) = 540 pA/sqrt(Hz).
In order to get this down to the 14 pA level, the voltage noise of the
pHEMT would have to be down around 26 pV/sqrt(Hz), which is at least a
factor of five too low, even with the most optimistic assumptions.
Double-checking underway.
In any event, single-photon events are easily visible, and the dynamic
range is pretty good, limited by the number of MPPC pixels (3600) and
their recovery time of ~20 ns--assuming uniform illumination,
sensitivity will drop by half at
N ~ #pixels/t_rec
2.8 nA primary photocurrent. That works out to almost 50 mA after
multiplication, which would turn the chip to lava, so we aren't going to
be limited that way.
Fun stuff.
Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510