MPLinker confusion


Glenn Ashmore

I have been gradually building a program for a PIC16F877 and debuging it as
I went. All of a sudden I am getting an error that it cannot fit in
absolute section Start0x00 Length 0x00004A4

Looks like I need to break it up and make it relocatable but all the docs
are very confusing. Is there a simple explanation for how to do it? David
Benson's books just barely hint at the subject.

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
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Glenn Ashmore wrote:
I have been gradually building a program for a PIC16F877 and debuging it as
I went. All of a sudden I am getting an error that it cannot fit in
absolute section Start0x00 Length 0x00004A4

Looks like I need to break it up and make it relocatable but all the docs
are very confusing. Is there a simple explanation for how to do it? David
Benson's books just barely hint at the subject.
You may need to include a linker file, which you can find in the IDE
directories. You can also look at that linker file to determine whats
up. However, you should notice that if you put the program into the
vectors section, it's only 5 words long. Try

PROG1 code

before your code... that may make it happier. You also have to create a
vectors section. Thus, do

goto startcode
goto interruptcode

as well. If you don't have any interrupt code, just replace the last
thing with a nop.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.

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