Gidday All,
I have for sale a significant quantity of the above
Model Speaker Microphones to suit these popular Radios... MT1000 HT600
MTX800 MTX810 MTX820S MTX820 MTX820 P200.
One good clean tested unit will cost a mere $30 INCLUSIVE OF SHIPPING
to anywhere in Australia.
If you need multiple units - I'm prepared to listen to reasonable
For more information, maybe a Digital Pix.... drop me an Email.
Don't forget to remove the Anti-Spam bits !!
Alan - VK3XPD
Melbourne, Australia.
I have for sale a significant quantity of the above
Model Speaker Microphones to suit these popular Radios... MT1000 HT600
MTX800 MTX810 MTX820S MTX820 MTX820 P200.
One good clean tested unit will cost a mere $30 INCLUSIVE OF SHIPPING
to anywhere in Australia.
If you need multiple units - I'm prepared to listen to reasonable
For more information, maybe a Digital Pix.... drop me an Email.
Don't forget to remove the Anti-Spam bits !!
Alan - VK3XPD
Melbourne, Australia.