I recently built a motor speed controller from a 20A kit from Oatley. It
works except for a few minor bugs:
1. the variation is only over the first half of the 5k pot, after that it's
at max.
2. the longer the wire between the controller and the motor, the slower the
motor goes. When it's connected with 150mm of wires it works at almost the
full RPM it's capable of, with about 600mm of wire (barely practical for the
purpose I want it for as a water pump) it works at about half it's
Does anyone know why it runs like this?
works except for a few minor bugs:
1. the variation is only over the first half of the 5k pot, after that it's
at max.
2. the longer the wire between the controller and the motor, the slower the
motor goes. When it's connected with 150mm of wires it works at almost the
full RPM it's capable of, with about 600mm of wire (barely practical for the
purpose I want it for as a water pump) it works at about half it's
Does anyone know why it runs like this?