Mother of St. Helens boy who fought off a fag offender descr


John Robertson


The mother of an 11-year-old St. Helens boy who police believe was
grabbed by a homeless sex offender while walking home from school was
shaken but thankful her son fended the man off.

Andrea Snider says she has long taught fifth-grade son, Cameron, and
his two older brothers, about stranger danger. Cameron also was aware
that 7-year-old Kyron Horman went missing last week -- he's been
receiving text messages and photos of the boy on his cell phone, alone
with the rest of the family.
"We explained to him that 'It could happen to you,'" Snider said. "We've
said 'You've got to kick, hit, scream and punch to get away. And that's
exactly what he did."

Cameron stayed late at Lewis & Clark Elementary School Tuesday because
he's a crossing guard. He was walking the four blocks home alone when he
noticed a portly man following him. Cameron playfully tapped a stop sign
as he walked beneath it, and the man did, too. When Cameron quickened
his pace, the man did, too.

Then Cameron told his mom, the man -- whom police later identified as
36-year-old Tony Phipps -- grabbed his backpack from behind. Cameron
told police he turned around, slapped away the man's hands and was able
to break free. Cameron ran home.

Based on a description offered by Cameron and a neighbor who remembered
seeing the man shortly before the incident, police arrested the
5-foot-8, 220-pound Phipps Wednesday on accusations of attempted
kidnapping, harassment and violating the terms of his post-prison
supervision. Phipps is on post-prison supervision for failing to
register as a sex offender in 2008.

Police told the family the case does not appear connected to the Kyron
Horman disappearance.

The Columbia County District Attorney's Office reviewed the police
reports, and determined it doesn't have the evidence to prosecute Phipps
for attempted kidnapping, let alone any other felony, said deputy
district attorney John Berg. He said prosecutors would have to prove
that Phipps intended to kidnap the boy. And although Berg said he
couldn't go into details, evidence released by police indicates the man
only grabbed at Cameron. He didn't, for example, drag the boy -- an act
that would bolster an attempted kidnapping charge.

Prosecutors forwarded the case to the St. Helens city attorney's office,
which will determine whether to pursue misdemeanor charges.

Nonetheless, Berg acknowledged that the incident is concerning.

Phipps' criminal history stretches back to 1993, and includes
convictions for sodomy of a person under 16, contributing to the sexual
delinquency of a minor, burglary, arson and failing to register as a sex
offender in three separate instances. He lives in a tent near the edge
of town.

"When I heard that, I said 'You've got to be kidding me,'" Snider said.

Six women over the years also have applied for restraining orders
against Phipps.

According to a report written by Phipp's former Lane County parole and
probation officer, Phipps has a history of meeting developmentally
delayed females on the Internet, then moving to where they live.

Cameron returned to school the day after the incident. But he didn't
want to walk home alone. A St. Helens police officer gave him a ride.

Andrea Snider is proud of her son.

"He's a tough boy," she said.

John ;-#)#

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