Mosfet heating Up in DC DC converter



Hello Mr. Meindert,

Thanks for the reply.

About maximum temperature rise:
Thermal resistance =150 K/w (50+100)
So temperature rise= 114 K so it means 50 C increase in temperature.
So junction temperature is around 80 c which very much below the
juction temperature (150 c). About the drive voltage higher FET has
around 35-40 V and lower 8-10 V.

Please correct me if i am wrong.
Is there some thing which i am missing???
Is have not provided any heat sink. My boss is not agreeing with any
PCB changes. If it is very much require i have to convince him.
It need your feedback from you people.

Thanks and regards
On 23 Dec 2004 17:38:58 -0800, praveen wrote:

Hello Mr. Meindert,

Thanks for the reply.

About maximum temperature rise:
Thermal resistance =150 K/w (50+100)
So temperature rise= 114 K so it means 50 C increase in temperature.
So junction temperature is around 80 c which very much below the
juction temperature (150 c). About the drive voltage higher FET has
around 35-40 V and lower 8-10 V.

Please correct me if i am wrong.
Is there some thing which i am missing???
Is have not provided any heat sink. My boss is not agreeing with any
PCB changes. If it is very much require i have to convince him.
It need your feedback from you people.

Either get a new boss or go into biz with him.
Best Regards,

Welcome to

