MOSFET Equivalent? (IRF510)



Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530 and
540, but just can't source IRF510!
Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530 and
540, but just can't source IRF510!

** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will replace the IRF510 in
most applications.

IRF 510s are available from Farnell in One.

Cat: 354 259

........... Phil
So no modifications to the circuit will be required when you swap the IRF510
with something else?

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530 and
540, but just can't source IRF510!

** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will replace the IRF510
in most applications.

IRF 510s are available from Farnell in One.

Cat: 354 259

.......... Phil
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
So no modifications to the circuit will be required when you swap the
IRF510 with something else?

** So you have trouble reading the words I posted ????

For a definite answer - post a link to the schematic.


................ Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message


Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530 and
540, but just can't source IRF510!

** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will replace the IRF510
in most applications.

IRF 510s are available from Farnell in One.

Cat: 354 259

.......... Phil
What you said was >> ** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will
replace the IRF510
in most applications.
which would've meant that you weren't too sure yourself, otherwise you
would've said "in all applications", and you mention it will replace the
IRF510, but many things can replace many things... with modifications, the
objective was looking for an equilvalent, ie. direct replacement from other
manufacturers, so if you can't help, don't try to help, especially when you
do help, and tries to be an asshole while doing it, which surely wouldn't be
appreciated! But still have to thank you for the link which located both the
MOSFET and the Driver, although they're expensively priced, so expensive
that I could order them from overseas and is still 1/8 of the price landed
at my door, but at least I'll know where to find them if I need them

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
So no modifications to the circuit will be required when you swap the
IRF510 with something else?

** So you have trouble reading the words I posted ????

For a definite answer - post a link to the schematic.


............... Phil

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message


Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530
and 540, but just can't source IRF510!

** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will replace the
IRF510 in most applications.

IRF 510s are available from Farnell in One.

Cat: 354 259

.......... Phil
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
What you said was >> ** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and
will replace the IRF510
in most applications.

which would've meant that you weren't too sure yourself, otherwise you
would've said "in all applications", and you mention it will replace the
IRF510, but many things can replace many things... with modifications, the
objective was looking for an equilvalent, ie. direct replacement from
other manufacturers, so if you can't help, don't try to help, especially
when you do help, and tries to be an asshole while doing it, which surely
wouldn't be appreciated! But still have to thank you for the link which
located both the MOSFET and the Driver, although they're expensively
priced, so expensive that I could order them from overseas and is still
1/8 of the price landed at my door, but at least I'll know where to find
them if I need them urgently!

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
So no modifications to the circuit will be required when you swap the
IRF510 with something else?

** So you have trouble reading the words I posted ????

For a definite answer - post a link to the schematic.


............... Phil

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message


Anyone knows what I can replace IRF510 with? I can source IRF520,530
and 540, but just can't source IRF510!

** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and will replace the
IRF510 in most applications.

IRF 510s are available from Farnell in One.

Cat: 354 259

.......... Phil
If you want an exact equivalent - buy the exact part. If you realy want an
'equivalent', then give us an idea of the application, and/or post the
schematic on your home page or some other free repository and/or include a
link to it.

Otherwise download some datasheets and make an educated guess like most of
us do. That then leads to expeience. And yes it costs money.

On the subject of component availability - welcome to Aus - most component
vendors consider us a backwater. Farnell is expensive, but for a 'one off'
repair or circuit it is often worth it.

BTW TOP-POSTING means replying 'on the top' of other peoples' posts - this
is bad manners on a newsgroup.....

Phil may be bad mannered at times, but I note that he generally researches
his answers and attempts to post useful information without doing the
thinking for you. That's how YOU learn. Welcome to life. Whether you are
offended or not is your choice.


** Should be "elec-cunt"

What you said was >> ** The IRF 520 and 530 have better specs than and
will replace the IRF510 in most applications.

which would've meant that you weren't too sure yourself, otherwise you
would've said "in all applications",

** Nonsense.

The fact that the specs are improved (less on resistance ) may cause a
problem in some circuit arrangements - in most cases the circuit will work

and you mention it will replace the IRF510, but many things can replace
many things... with modifications, the objective was looking for an
equilvalent, ie. direct replacement from other manufacturers,

** There are always differences with alternative part numbers, even parts
with the same number from different makers have differences.

so if you can't help, don't try to help, especially when you do help, and
tries to be an asshole while doing it, which surely wouldn't be

** Basically - go fuck yourself.

But still have to thank you for the link which located both the MOSFET and
the Driver, although they're expensively priced, so expensive that I could
order them from overseas and is still 1/8 of the price landed at my door,

** So you knew where to buy them cheaply already.

............ Phil
BTW TOP-POSTING means replying 'on the top' of other peoples' posts - this
is bad manners on a newsgroup.....

top posting make reading responses quicker and is the preferred method of posting after cutting out other posters drivel, headers etc.. it is not used if you want to reply to specific points.
not editing your post is very poor newsgroup etiquette.

Phil may be bad mannered at times,
that must be the understatement of the year!
"Ed /:-} = a total horse's arse

** Where has the name of the poster gone ????

That is BAD etiquette.

BTW TOP-POSTING means replying 'on the top' of other peoples' posts -
is bad manners on a newsgroup.....

top posting make reading responses quicker and is the preferred method of
posting after cutting out other posters drivel, headers etc..

** Preferred only by fucking idiots who think a NG is the same as a chat

it is not used if you want to reply to specific points.

** If the previous poster HAS made specific points then a reply needs to
refer to them - like it or not.

not editing your post is very poor newsgroup etiquette.

** While over snipping, context shifting and top posting are USENET CRIMES

Phil may be bad mannered at times,
that must be the understatement of the year!

** I am polite to those who show by their posts that they deserve it.

Universal politeness is a posture adopted only by charlatan and liars.

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Ed /:-} = a total horse's arse

** Where has the name of the poster gone ????

That is BAD etiquette.

BTW TOP-POSTING means replying 'on the top' of other peoples' posts -
is bad manners on a newsgroup.....

top posting make reading responses quicker and is the preferred method of
posting after cutting out other posters drivel, headers etc..

** Preferred only by fucking idiots who think a NG is the same as a chat

it is not used if you want to reply to specific points.

** If the previous poster HAS made specific points then a reply needs to
refer to them - like it or not.

not editing your post is very poor newsgroup etiquette.

** While over snipping, context shifting and top posting are USENET
Pot, kettle, toaster, black..........

Phil may be bad mannered at times,
that must be the understatement of the year!

** I am polite to those who show by their posts that they deserve it.
That's rich coming from someone who must rank as the most abusive poster on
Oh, and by who's standards are those Phil? Anyone who doesn't kiss your
arse automatically gets the standard abusive Allison treatment.

Universal politeness is a posture adopted only by charlatan and liars.
Something you could learn from Toaster Boi. Know wonder you are just
scraping by in that pathetic rented bed-sit flat / sheltered workshop you
call a business. ROFLMAO

......... Phil
"Alan Rutlidge" Alan Rutlidge"

WARNING: To all aus.electronics readers !!!

Alan Rutlidge is a Criminal Lunatic

Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit Fuckwit ) is a congenital, scumbag liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents about his perversions.

He then lied to his teachers about the same thing.

He then continued lying to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26
years. But the guys around him knew what he was.

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate and fluent liar.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an evil public menace.

.......... Phil

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