MOSFET Driver Equivalent?? (TC442x series)



The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles, but
again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles, but
again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!

** Try using the Farnell link I gave you - shithead.

............. Phil
I'm not going to abuse you because you were helpful someway or another, but
I don't find it surprising that so many people on the newsgroup seems to
hate you! LOL

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles, but
again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!

** Try using the Farnell link I gave you - shithead.

............ Phil
"elec-nut" = " elec-cunt"

I'm not going to abuse you because you were helpful someway or another,

** A full-on psychopath.

............. Phil
"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
I'm not going to abuse you because you were helpful someway or another,
but I don't find it surprising that so many people on the newsgroup seems
to hate you! LOL
Ah, so you have rapidly discovered the delights of the overt personality of
our resident crackpot Phil Allison? Don't take too much offence at the poor
fellow - he suffers from Tourette's syndrome and little man syndrome all
rolled into one overly tight package. He's actually developed a bit of a
reputation as a toaster repairman which he runs out of his little bed-sit
rented flat in Summer Hill, Sydney.

Phil gets his jollies when you abuse him. It allows him to justify anything
offensive he's said to you, even if you didn't do anything wrong to begin
with. You will find him haunting lots of other unmoderated newsgroups,
where he feels free to express himself in the manner to which he has become

Two things get his goat. Top posting (his pet hate) and totally ignoring


"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"elec-nut" <> wrote in message
The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles,
but again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!

** Try using the Farnell link I gave you - shithead.

............ Phil
"Alan Rutlidge"

** Another full-on psychopath.

WARNING: To all aus.electronics readers !!!

Alan Rutlidge is a Criminal Lunatic

Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit Fuckwit ) is a congenital, scumbag liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents about his perversions.

He then lied to his teachers about the same thing.

He then continued lying to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26
years. But the guys around him knew what he was.

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate and fluent liar.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an evil public menace.

.......... Phil
thanks Alan, I'll choose to ignore him from now on, such an asshole who
likes name calling and posting other people's personal info deserves to be
shot or at least have his own photos, addresses, phone number and employment
details etc. posted all over the internet tag with his name: Phil Allison
(Nicknamed: Ill Assholeson)
thanks Alan,

** Alan Rutlidge is a criminal, net stalking plus real world psychopath.

While you , "elec -nut", are merely a PITA congenital fuckwit.

Piss off.

........... Phil
On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 01:23:30 +1000, "elec-nut" <>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles, but
again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!
You didn't specify the package style. Try the local Microchip
distributor(s) or buy/sample online:

RS Components has the TC4429CPA in a DIL8 package at around $10 each.

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Franc Zabkar" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 01:23:30 +1000, "elec-nut" <
put finger to keyboard and composed:

The TC4420 & TC4429 seems to be mentioned a lot in overseas articles, but
again, no luck finding them in Australia??!!

You didn't specify the package style. Try the local Microchip
distributor(s) or buy/sample online:

RS Components has the TC4429CPA in a DIL8 package at around $10 each.

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Thanks Frank, that is the most useful link that I could've expect, I've
found the TC drivers that I'm after, now trying to see what the sample
order's about, how much does it cost to have the samples sent over? (you
probably don't have to answer this one coz I'll soon find out if it'll cost
me any money, I'm waiting for the confirmation email now...) Thanks a
million again!
NOTE: Automatic Asshole Filter is ON:
All low life, low quality, bad taste scums contents are filtered by default:

"Ill Assholeson" <> wrote in message

** xxxx xxx - xxxxxxxxxx.

.......... xIll

Wonder why I can't read anything in the message? But can definately sense
the smell of rotten shit through the newsgroup...

This demented fuckwit is dangerous - shoot on sight.

........ Phil
On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:52:47 +1000, Bazil <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Alan Rutlidge wrote:

Two things get his goat. Top posting (his pet hate)

and totally ignoring him.

wich you are obviously too stupid to do...
I have my kill filter set to ignore him insofar as my newsreader sees
his message but marks it as already read. Unfortunately when he
responds to my posts I sometimes let curiosity get the better of me.
Even then I usually ignore him, unless I need to correct his

I think of it like seeing a steaming fresh dog turd on the footpath.
You can either ignore it and walk around it, or you can clean it up so
that other people won't step in it. If you choose the latter option,
then you will have to suffer the inevitable stench.

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Franc Zabkar"

I have my kill filter set ..

** Where Zabkar came from, folk murder their neighbours because they don't
like them and bury their corpses in mass graves - then pretend nothing

The Yugoslavian Killfile.

Zabkar falsely imagines he is disliked just for being ethnic.

.......... Phil

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