I managed to get hold of the John F Ross book mentioned in an earlier post,
'Radio Broadcasting technology', on an interlibrary loan, so presumably
others in Oz could do the same. It's an interesting read, with a lot of
technical detail and plenty of pics, but fairly bland. Everythying just
works, there's no coverage of the struggles and difficulties that
undoubtedly occurred. I recall someone mentioning to me years ago about some
large Collins HF transmitters installed for Radio Australia that had big
Some might consider it ghoulish, but you learn a lot from the troublesome
'Radio Broadcasting technology', on an interlibrary loan, so presumably
others in Oz could do the same. It's an interesting read, with a lot of
technical detail and plenty of pics, but fairly bland. Everythying just
works, there's no coverage of the struggles and difficulties that
undoubtedly occurred. I recall someone mentioning to me years ago about some
large Collins HF transmitters installed for Radio Australia that had big
Some might consider it ghoulish, but you learn a lot from the troublesome