Monte Carlo Simulation for MOS mismatch

Dear All:

I'm working on a mos mismatch investigation for a circuit at cadence.
But I can't get how to do mismatch set for chennel length or width. In
statistics file, there's only place for parameters in model. If I have
size mismatch, how can I put they in statistics file? By the way, is
there anyone know how to deal with correlate factor between W and L at
same device?

Thank you very much.

On 17 Sep 2005 03:49:59 -0700, wrote:

Dear All:

I'm working on a mos mismatch investigation for a circuit at cadence.
But I can't get how to do mismatch set for chennel length or width. In
statistics file, there's only place for parameters in model. If I have
size mismatch, how can I put they in statistics file? By the way, is
there anyone know how to deal with correlate factor between W and L at
same device?

Thank you very much.

Start by reading and then
seeing if you have any other questions.

Also search this forum on google, and look on the forum on the designer's guide


Hi Andrew:

Thanks for reply. I've gone through with Don's paper from
designers-guide and get some ideas. For some parameters from BSIM model
or other model (sub cuicuit), Don's method worked great, like: Vth0,
tox, or rshsp. However, one of my main questions is still exist. It's
main regarding to geometrical mismatch issue. I don't know if there
is/are parameters at BSIM MOS model for width and length scaling
factor. At Don's paper, he introduced such factors XRSPbfac and
XRSPafac by including a inline sub circuit of resistor. By this mean,
do I need to do same thing for MOS?

Also, generally I would use Vth0, tox for MOS process and mismatch
variation, if it's enough for normal purpose or not?


Take care of the parameter : m
You cannot acces it in the models.
Your mismatch varies with the square root of W.
But W varies with m.
Let's try a transistor 9/1 and another 3*3/1.

Very interesting, OkyGuy. Would you mind make it more clearly? If I
can't access to m, how can I use it as a parameter in statistics.scs
file? As a mater of fact, MC simulator at Cadence could not recognize
my m at statistics.scs file. Thanks.


You can find more info from that post :

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