Montana first to ban people dressed in drag from reading to children in schools, libraries...



Someday, people will find this law and think, \"WTF were they thinking, that made them pass this law?\"

Like when you read about strange laws that are still on the books...

Illegal to spit on a seagull in Norfolk

Illegal for a woman to be out at night in Norfolk unless she is wearing a corset and is accompanied by a male chaperon

It\'s illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays in Florida

If in Louisiana, don’t try to send anyone a surprise pizza or you’ll have to pay heavily for this appalling gesture – a whole $500 fine is coming your way.

In Vermont, women must get permission from their husbands if they want to get false teeth

No Donkeys in Arizonian Bathtubs

Kentucky’s legislators have seemingly imposed a limit on love itself – no woman can marry the same man more than 3 times.

In Utah, first cousins may marry after the age of 65

In Connecticut, it’s illegal to kiss your spouse in public on a Sunday

in Massachusetts... it’s illegal to sleep naked in a hotel with a partner (even if married)

In New Hampshire, it is illegal to collect seaweed from public beaches at night

The state of New Mexico bans (and, no, this isn’t a made-up quote) ‘idiots’ from voting in elections. (nothing said about running in an election)

In 2011, though, a specific law had already been passed in Tennessee banning Netflix Password Sharing

It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit, in Sarasota, Florida.

the city council of West Palm Beach, Fla., once decreed that the roofs of all outhouses be fireproof

A special Florida law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.

Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

....and many more...


Rick C.

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On 5/25/2023 10:38, Ricky wrote:
Someday, people will find this law and think, \"WTF were they thinking, that made them pass this law?\"

Like when you read about strange laws that are still on the books...

Illegal to spit on a seagull in Norfolk

Illegal for a woman to be out at night in Norfolk unless she is wearing a corset and is accompanied by a male chaperon

It\'s illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays in Florida

If in Louisiana, don’t try to send anyone a surprise pizza or you’ll have to pay heavily for this appalling gesture – a whole $500 fine is coming your way.

In Vermont, women must get permission from their husbands if they want to get false teeth

No Donkeys in Arizonian Bathtubs

Kentucky’s legislators have seemingly imposed a limit on love itself – no woman can marry the same man more than 3 times.

In Utah, first cousins may marry after the age of 65

In Connecticut, it’s illegal to kiss your spouse in public on a Sunday

in Massachusetts... it’s illegal to sleep naked in a hotel with a partner (even if married)

In New Hampshire, it is illegal to collect seaweed from public beaches at night

The state of New Mexico bans (and, no, this isn’t a made-up quote) ‘idiots’ from voting in elections. (nothing said about running in an election)

In 2011, though, a specific law had already been passed in Tennessee banning Netflix Password Sharing

It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit, in Sarasota, Florida.

the city council of West Palm Beach, Fla., once decreed that the roofs of all outhouses be fireproof

A special Florida law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.

Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

...and many more...

So if you are unmarried woman and want to parachute your donkey in a
bathtub you must be careful to do it anywhere but in Arizona and/or
Still plenty of choices...
On 5/25/2023 3:38 AM, Ricky wrote:
Like when you read about strange laws that are still on the books...


Color me skeptical. But then if you read about them, they must be true.

Welcome to

