monoflop with active high reset input


Thomas Heller


I'm looking for a monoflop with an active high reset input. Does such a
part exits?

In article <>,
Thomas Heller <> writes:

I'm looking for a monoflop with an active high reset input. Does such a
part exits?
You could use a PAL (or whatever).

These are my opinions. I hate spam.
Hal Murray schrieb:
In article <>,
Thomas Heller <> writes:

I'm looking for a monoflop with an active high reset input. Does such a
part exits?

You could use a PAL (or whatever).
Bad idea - PALs are long obsolete (and power hogs, anyway), don't have
monoflop functionality, and for just inverting an available reset signal
absolute overkill.

40xx CMOS logic generally has active high inputs, for example the 4047
is a monoflop with an active high reset input.

Alternatively, one can invert the given reset signal by any means
(transistor, single logic gate/inverter) and then feed it to a monoflop
with active low reset.

Am 08.07.2013 11:07, schrieb Tilmann Reh:
In article <>,
Thomas Heller <> writes:

I'm looking for a monoflop with an active high reset input. Does such a
part exits?

40xx CMOS logic generally has active high inputs, for example the 4047
is a monoflop with an active high reset input.
Thanks, the 4047 is exactly what I need.


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