monitor problem : east west problem and pincushion effect

hi, i've a problem with my monitor which displays a picture bigger at
left and right of screen : that exceeds.

There is a pincushion effect in the right and left side of the screen
like this ) (

Can it be repaired?
Can somebody send me the schematics?

My monitor is a Philips 107E, model n° 17C2622E, chassis n° CM2617.

Anything can be repaired. The schematics are copyright material. For
Philips TV sets, the schematics should be available from the Philips
parts department. Get in touch with Philips in your area for their
nearest authorised parts dealer, to see if they will sell schematics
and parts for a computer monitor. You may have to send them the
monitor to have it serviced.

The problem is in the pin amp section, or in one of the scan sections.
It is not possible to accurately guess at it. If you start guessing at
the fault, you may end up spending unecessary dollars for parts you do
not need. The related circuits would have to be troubleshooted to
properly locate the defective part(s).

Jerry G.

== wrote in message news:<>...
hi, i've a problem with my monitor which displays a picture bigger at
left and right of screen : that exceeds.

There is a pincushion effect in the right and left side of the screen
like this ) (

Can it be repaired?
Can somebody send me the schematics?

My monitor is a Philips 107E, model n° 17C2622E, chassis n° CM2617.

I would look for a shorted transistor or diode in the Horizontal/High-voltage
area, especially around the yoke return circuit. The transistor is usually
in a TO-220 style case. It may be a Darlington (eg: TIP122) or an FET.
You can check most of these in circuit using the Diode-Check function
on your Digital MultiMeter (DMM). Look for very low, near zero, reading
when checking the parts. If you find any, unsolder the leads and check again.
Hope this helps...

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