I am going to take a Hewlett Packard monitor apart soon. When
it is in operation for a while the screen will start to wave and
roll. Excess heat seems to come out of the top vents.
My thoughts are to visually inspect for a cooked looking part. Maybe
an electrolytic. I don't really want to spend a whole lot of time on
it but am going to at least take a look at it before chucking it.
Any advice on what to look for?
it is in operation for a while the screen will start to wave and
roll. Excess heat seems to come out of the top vents.
My thoughts are to visually inspect for a cooked looking part. Maybe
an electrolytic. I don't really want to spend a whole lot of time on
it but am going to at least take a look at it before chucking it.
Any advice on what to look for?