Monica Pignotti: Fired for Immorality


Kulin Remailer


Monica Pignotti was fired from FSU for immorality.

If this is NOT true, then the faculty members she propositioned could publish denials. But, since it happened, they will not lie by denying that Pignotti propositioned them!

Monica Pignotti is a professional cultist.

Monica Pignotti associates with unsavory people such as voting machine con man Larry Sarner, serial bankrupt Linda Rosa, drunken driver Charly D. Miller and fired blogger Jean Mercer.

She would bring drama and ruin to any reputable place.

For that reason, she must be happy with her current job in an adult bookstore.
On 8 Apr 2011 12:59:59 -0000, Kulin Remailer <>


Nothing like posting anonymous character assassination to make oneself
credible, eh?

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Apr 8, 8:59 am, Kulin Remailer <> wrote:

[lies snipped]

Hello. My name is Monica Pignotti and if you are reading this, it is
all too obvious that I am the target of a cyber abuser. I make the
choice to defy conventional wisdom and respond to these malicious
postings for the same reason rape victims may choose to fight back.

The people in question do not wish to dignify this cyber abusers smut
with a response. However, as the target of this smear campaign, I am
speaking out.

I am also being attacked and ridiculed for daring to defend myself and
respond. I have tried silence and it has not stopped the postings and
I do have the right to defend myself. Please do not judge me for this
unless you have walked a mile in my shoes, which most readers have
not. I have tried silence and it has not stopped the postings and I do
have the right to defend myself and will not be shamed into
discontinuing to do so. Please do not judge me for this unless you
have walked a mile in my shoes, which most readers have not. If this
breaks my posting record, so be it. I will be proud to do so in order
to stand up to these cyber bullies and publicly call them out on their

To whoever is posting this, how can you look your children in the eyes
and post these obscene malicious lies? Is this the kind of behavior
you want to model for them or do you keep your behavior a secret, even
from your family members? At long last, sir, have you no decency? I
realize it is probably futile to appeal to your conscience but in case
anyone involved with this effort has a tiny spark of a conscience
left, I am appealing to that.

For those who find this on an internet search and are wondering how it
is I became the target of such a bizarre internet smear campaign, here
are a few things to keep in mind.

The malicious smear campaign against me and other defendants by thus-
far unidentified anonymous individuals escalated against the dismissal
of Ronald S. Federici v Pignotti et al by a Federal judge. Dr.
Federici accused defendants of defamation, conspiring to post
malicious lies about him on the internet. However, the case was
dismissed and the ruling was that he had failed to state a claim upon
which relief may be granted regarding my internet postings, which the
judge ruled did not qualify as defamation, but instead were opinion. I
do have the right to criticize his therapies for children and express
my opinions about that.

Coincidence? You be the judge.

Documents available:
On 8 Apr 2011 12:59:59 -0000, Kulin Remailer <>

If this is NOT true, then the faculty members she propositioned could publish denials. But, since it happened, they will not lie by denying that Pignotti propositioned them!
Incorrect premise - as one cannot prove a negative. Burden of
proof is on the one MAKING the claim, and it must be backed up with

Since you have none, this is slander - which is a criminal offense.

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