Mark McDougall
I'm having problems getting a simulation running. Here's the recipe...
Quartus output VHO file - contains VHDL & Verilog components.
Testbench components - VHDL & Verilog components.
Note (and I *think* this is part of the problem) the VHO file contains a
certain verilog modle, whilst the testbench also contains an instance of
the same module, albeit with *different* parameter values.
Attempting to start the simulation under ModelSim ('vsim') loads a bunch
of structures from the library, and then halts with an error that just
does *not* make any sense at all!
The error is "irda_peripheral.v(155) The width (1) of VHDL port
'addr_cnt_out_2' does not match the width (5) of its Verilog connection
(3rd connection)".
This error occurs in the file that contains a 2nd instance of the
verilog module, and the 3rd connection is indeed a vector whose width is
specified with a parameter - which incidently differs from the value for
the instance inside the VHO file.
* addr_cnt_out is internal to the VHO and not connected to the instance
in this file at all.
* neither of the parameters specify a width of '1' for the vector.
I suspect Modelsim is getting confused between the instance in the VHO
file and the instance in irda_peripheral.v and is having trouble wiring
up the ports?!?
Anyone else had a similar experience?
Mark McDougall, Engineer
Virtual Logic Pty Ltd, <http://www.vl.com.au>
21-25 King St, Rockdale, 2216
Ph: +612-9599-3255 Fax: +612-9599-3266
Quartus output VHO file - contains VHDL & Verilog components.
Testbench components - VHDL & Verilog components.
Note (and I *think* this is part of the problem) the VHO file contains a
certain verilog modle, whilst the testbench also contains an instance of
the same module, albeit with *different* parameter values.
Attempting to start the simulation under ModelSim ('vsim') loads a bunch
of structures from the library, and then halts with an error that just
does *not* make any sense at all!
The error is "irda_peripheral.v(155) The width (1) of VHDL port
'addr_cnt_out_2' does not match the width (5) of its Verilog connection
(3rd connection)".
This error occurs in the file that contains a 2nd instance of the
verilog module, and the 3rd connection is indeed a vector whose width is
specified with a parameter - which incidently differs from the value for
the instance inside the VHO file.
* addr_cnt_out is internal to the VHO and not connected to the instance
in this file at all.
* neither of the parameters specify a width of '1' for the vector.
I suspect Modelsim is getting confused between the instance in the VHO
file and the instance in irda_peripheral.v and is having trouble wiring
up the ports?!?
Anyone else had a similar experience?
Mark McDougall, Engineer
Virtual Logic Pty Ltd, <http://www.vl.com.au>
21-25 King St, Rockdale, 2216
Ph: +612-9599-3255 Fax: +612-9599-3266