I am using Modelsim 5.8e to do simulation on my code for the first
time. MyVHDL code reads a RAM contents. I can not simualte the RAM data
using simulator so I looked into the Modelsim and found that I can read
the hex format file or numbers using
use work.io_utils.all;
use std.text.io.all;
I managed to compile the code but do not have any clue to make it work
and those numbers in the data file during the simulation.
Can anybody adivce me any sample code or something. I read the manual.
I am using Modelsim 5.8e to do simulation on my code for the first
time. MyVHDL code reads a RAM contents. I can not simualte the RAM data
using simulator so I looked into the Modelsim and found that I can read
the hex format file or numbers using
use work.io_utils.all;
use std.text.io.all;
I managed to compile the code but do not have any clue to make it work
and those numbers in the data file during the simulation.
Can anybody adivce me any sample code or something. I read the manual.