Modelsim Altera - Strange issue.




On a design I'm working Modelsim (Altera edition)
doesn't like that I reset the simulation to rerun again.
(for example I change the run length and restart the simulation again)

it reports.

# ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find

and I did not anything whatsoever outside modelsim to make the
file disapear !!!

and only cure is to start it all over compiling it all etc etc.
Even so it is not enough to compile just the test bench, I need
to do it all from the beginning...

On the few examples provided by them, all works without issues...
albeit I use the exact same sequence of operation that works on the
examples, while on my design it works fine only the first run but errors
as soon as I reset simulation. Very strange !!!

Anyone knows a cure for this ?

Many Thanks.

Luis C.
On 11/8/2010 7:21 AM, LC wrote:

# ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find

Post the script or command line you used to run modelsim.

Did you create a modelsim work directory
named work under the source directory?

vlib work
vmap work work

Did you recompile the changes?
vcom mycode.vhd
vcom mytb.vhd

Did you try an elaboration test like this:
vsim -c mytb -do run

Good Luck.

-- Mike Treseler

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