Three microprocessor models have been posted at
One of these models resembles the
8085 microprocessor, another is an RTL
(synthesizable) model, and the third is a
microprogrammable model made up of bit-slices.
Included are 33 files containing small programs
that can be loaded into memory and simulated under
control of a script. The script compares expected
output against simulated output. The script has been
tested using the Icarus Verilog simulator and the
Gtkwave waveform viewer. These models are available
under the GPL license.
One of these models resembles the
8085 microprocessor, another is an RTL
(synthesizable) model, and the third is a
microprogrammable model made up of bit-slices.
Included are 33 files containing small programs
that can be loaded into memory and simulated under
control of a script. The script compares expected
output against simulated output. The script has been
tested using the Icarus Verilog simulator and the
Gtkwave waveform viewer. These models are available
under the GPL license.