Modelling an oscillator using Verilog AMS

Hello people,

I need some help. I am modelling an oscillator using verilog AMS.
The model comprises three blocks - mixer, amplifier and phase-shifter.
These modules are written at the behavioral level and instantiated in
the oscillator module.
An oscillator has feedback in it.
When I give a sine wave input to the model, it should be amplified and
then part of the output is fed back to the input using a mixer. So the
output is expected to be an increasing sine wave , growing in amplitude
in each cycle.
On the contrary the output is observed to be a constant amplitude
sinewave over all cycles.

Is it possible that all blocks try to compute their outputs at the same
In such a scenario, the feedback system cannot function correctly.

Please help me debug this issue.
The code and testbench are as shown below


// Middle level high level oscillator model without any Noise //

`include "disciplines.vams"
`include "constants.vams"
`timescale 1ps / 1ps

module oscillator(out,in);
output out;
voltage out;
input in;
voltage in;
voltage vx,vref;
parameter real amplifier_gain = 15 from (-inf : inf);
parameter real test_frequency = 100k from (0 : inf);
mixer m1 (vref,in,vx);
amplifier #(.gain(amplifier_gain)) a1 (out,vref);
phase_shift #(.freq(test_frequency) , .gain1(amplifier_gain)) ps (vx,

module amplifier(out,in);
input in;
output out;
voltage in, out;
parameter real gain = 15 from (-inf : inf);
analog begin
V(out) <+ (gain * V(in));

module phase_shift(out,in);
input in;
output out;
voltage in, out;
parameter real freq = 10k from (0 : inf);
parameter real resonant_freq = 60M;
parameter real beta = 0.1; //beta is a function of the circuit
components of the module and also the resonant frequency.
parameter real toff = 1.6n ;
parameter real damp = 10M;
parameter real gain1 = -6 from (-inf : inf);
parameter real sampler = 1/resonant_freq;
real flag,flag1;
real phase = `M_PI;
analog begin
@(initial_step) begin
flag1 = 0;
flag1 = 1;
@(timer(toff,sampler)) begin
flag = V(in);

V(out) <+ flag1*beta*V(in);


module mixer(out,in1,in2);
input in1,in2;
output out;
voltage in1,in2,out;
real trial1,trial2, trial3;
analog begin

V(out) <+ (V(in1)+ V(in2));


`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
`timescale 10ps / 1ps
module mid_wo_noise();
wire out;
voltage in;
electrical gnd;
ground gnd;
real value;
vsource #(.type("sine"), .ampl(3m), .phase(0), .freq(60M)) v1 (in,gnd);
oscillator #(.test_frequency(60M) , .amplifier_gain(15)) osc1(out,in);
On 4 Jan 2006 12:18:39 -0800, wrote:

Hello people,

I need some help. I am modelling an oscillator using verilog AMS.
The model comprises three blocks - mixer, amplifier and phase-shifter.
These modules are written at the behavioral level and instantiated in
the oscillator module.
An oscillator has feedback in it.
When I give a sine wave input to the model, it should be amplified and
then part of the output is fed back to the input using a mixer. So the
output is expected to be an increasing sine wave , growing in amplitude
in each cycle.
On the contrary the output is observed to be a constant amplitude
sinewave over all cycles.

Is it possible that all blocks try to compute their outputs at the same
In such a scenario, the feedback system cannot function correctly.

Please help me debug this issue.
The code and testbench are as shown below
This has been covered quite well at

where the same question was asked.


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