mixing analog and digital in SoC


Andy Luotto

I am istantiating an ADC with analog input (real type) in a larger SoC
system. Input ports of type 'real' cannot be handled for synthesis so
I wonder how to declare the input, while still maintaining the
behaviour of the ADC at the level of the test bench.
Is the only option to access sthe real signals diving down from the
test bench into the chip hierarchy just exposing a bogus 'logic' port
just to allow structural connectivity?
It looks like $realtobit and bitstoreal does not fit with my needs
I cannot use verilog AMS
On 24 May 2007 05:23:13 -0700, Andy Luotto <andyluotto@excite.com>

I am istantiating an ADC with analog input (real type) in a larger SoC
system. Input ports of type 'real' cannot be handled for synthesis so
I wonder how to declare the input, while still maintaining the
behaviour of the ADC at the level of the test bench.
Is the only option to access sthe real signals diving down from the
test bench into the chip hierarchy just exposing a bogus 'logic' port
just to allow structural connectivity?
It looks like $realtobit and bitstoreal does not fit with my needs
I cannot use verilog AMS
It's possible to convey a 64-bit "realtobits" value across a single
simulated digital wire, using a pseudo-serial protocol that is
self-clocked at infinite frequency - yes, I know it sounds crazy,
but it can be done quite easily and it works really well.

It does, however, require you to instantiate some kind of adaptor.
Whenever I've done this, I've replaced my A-D and D-A modules with
the appropriate adaptors. Top-level SoC connectivity can then
remain unaltered, and simulation works correctly. For synthesis,
simply swap in the real A-D and D-A modules, which (presumably)
have been verified elsewhere in an analog or mixed-signal sim.

Would this sort of idea meet your requirements?
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
It's possible to convey a 64-bit "realtobits" value across a single
simulated digital wire, using a pseudo-serial protocol that is
self-clocked at infinite frequency - yes, I know it sounds crazy,
but it can be done quite easily and it works really well.
Hi Johnathan
many thanks for replying, first. I understand the hard way you are
proposing is the only way
I partially get it: what do you mean for 'self-clocked at infinite
frequency'? A code example will be grat

have a nice day
On 24 May 2007 06:28:23 -0700, Andy
Luotto <andyluotto@excite.com> wrote:

I partially get it: what do you mean for 'self-clocked at infinite
frequency'? A code example will be grat
Try this. NO GUARANTEES - it's something I tried for fun
a couple of years ago, and it has never been used on a
serious project. However, I'm reasonably confident it's OK.

// analog.v
// Jonathan Bromley, Doulos Ltd, 5 April 2006
// This file contains two modules "analog_out" and "analog_in"
// that allow a multi-bit value to be conveyed over a single-bit
// Verilog net. In this way, analog behaviour can be modelled
// in Verilog and the quasi-analog signal values can be carried
// across a single-bit wire without needing to change the netlist.
// Values are transmitted bit-serially using a cyclic code. This
// cyclic coding scheme makes use of three Verilog logic values
// 1'b0, 1'b1 and 1'bX to encode bit values 0 and 1 with a
// guarantee of a signal change for each bit symbol. Each bit
// symbol is conveyed in zero time, making use of the delta-delay
// behaviour of Verilog non-blocking assignment. Consequently,
// each multi-bit value can be conveyed in zero time at the moment
// when the value changes.
// When the value to be conveyed is not changing, the wire is
// allowed to float to 1'bZ. This also makes it easy to arrange
// multiple drivers on a line.
// When the value to be conveyed has any unknown bits, the wire
// is held at 1'bX.
// The detailed coding scheme is as follows:
// 1. The line idles at 1'bZ.
// 2. Data is transmitted most-significant bit first.
// 3. Each of the following transitions on the line
// encodes a '0' bit:
// 0->1 1->X X->0 Z->0
// Note that the Z->0 transition can occur only as the first
// (most significant) bit of a word.
// 4. Each of the following transitions on the line
// encodes a '1' bit:
// 0->X X->1 1->0 Z->1
// Again, note that Z->1 can occur only as the first bit of a word.
// 5. Any transition to Z marks the end of the word, and does not
// encode any data bit.
// 6. The transition 0->X, or a line held at X, indicates that
// an unknown value is being conveyed. When the unknown value
// is removed and a known integer value is applied, the line will
// first make a transition from X to Z before making the Z->0
// or Z->1 transition indicating the first bit of the new value.
// When instantiating the analog_in and analog_out modules, it is
// necessary to parameterise them for the bit-width of the value.
// However, the most-significant bit first coding scheme means that
// if an analog_in module is connected to an analog_out module with
// a different bit width parameter, values are copied from one to
// the other using standard Verilog copy semantics: when a wide
// value is copied to a narrow target, most-significant bits are
// ignored; when a narrow value is copied to a wide target, the
// value is left-extended. The analog_in receiver module can be
// parameterised for signedness, to determine whether left-extension
// is sign-extension or zero-extension. Note that this signedness
// parameter is used only if a narrow transmitter (analog_out) sends
// values to a wide receiver (analog_in). Both modules default to
// 32-bit width; the receiver defaults to unsigned left-extension.

`timescale 1ns/1ps

//___________________________________________________ analog_out ___
module analog_out(value, pin);
parameter bits = 32;
input [bits-1:0] value;
output pin;
reg pin;

reg [bits-1:0] buffer;
integer i;

task drive;
input pin_val;
pin <= pin_val;
wait (pin === pin_val);
endtask // drive

always begin : sender
@value begin
// Send a new value
if (^value === 1'bx) begin
// Value is unknown - drive to X
end else begin
buffer = value;
for (i = bits-1; i>=0; i=i-1) begin
case ({pin, buffer})
2'b00, 2'bX1, 2'bZ1 : drive(1'b1);
2'bX0, 2'b11, 2'bZ0 : drive(1'b0);
2'b10, 2'b01 : drive(1'bx);
end // for (bits)
end // send a numeric value
end // sender


//____________________________________________________ analog_in ___
module analog_in(pin, value);
parameter bits = 32;
parameter Signed = 0;
input pin;
output [bits-1:0] value;
reg [bits-1:0] value;

reg old_pin;
reg [bits-1:0] buffer;

initial begin
buffer = {bits{1'bx}};
forever @pin begin
case ({old_pin, pin})
2'bZ0 : // first bit = 0
buffer = {bits{1'b0}};
2'bZ1 : // first bit = 1
buffer = {{bits-1{Signed!=0}}, 1'b1};
2'b01, 2'b1X, 2'bX0 : // bit=0
buffer = {buffer, 1'b0};
2'b0X, 2'bX1, 2'b10 : // bit=1
buffer = {buffer, 1'b1};
2'bZX : // word=x
buffer = {bits{1'bx}};
default /* ?Z */ : // completed
value = buffer;
buffer = 0;
old_pin = pin;
end // forever @pin
end // initial

//___________________________________________________ analog_mux ___
// This module is offered as a simple example of an analog behavioural
// model that can be created using the analog_in and analog_out
// It models an analog multiplexer with two analog inputs 'i0' and
// a digital selector input 'sel', and an analog output 'y'.
module analog_mux(i0, i1, sel, y);
parameter width = 32, Signed = 0;
input i0, i1, sel;
output y;
wire [width-1:0] v0, v1, vy;
analog_in #(width, Signed) a0(i0, v0);
analog_in #(width, Signed) a1(i1, v1);
assign vy = sel? v1 : v0 ;
analog_out #width ay(vy, y);


// analog_tf.v
// See detailed comments in file 'analog.v'.
// This is a very simple test fixture for the analog_out and
// analog_in modules. It connects a 6-bit analog transmitter
// to both a 4-bit and an 8-bit receiver, and checks that
// the received values always match the transmitted values.

module analog_tf;

wire sig;

reg [5:0] tx6;
wire [7:0] rx8;
wire [3:0] rx4;
integer ok4, ok8, er4, er8;

event stim;

analog_out #6 Tx6(tx6, sig);
analog_in #4 Rx4(sig, rx4);
analog_in #8 Rx8(sig, rx8);

initial begin: test
integer seed, val;
repeat(100) #10 begin
if ($dist_uniform(seed, 0, 20))
tx6 = $dist_uniform(seed, 0, 63);
tx6 = 6'bx;
-> stim;

$display("Done: 8bit ok=%0d, err=%0d; 4bit ok=%0d, err=%0d.",
ok8, er8, ok4, er4);

initial begin : checker
reg [7:0] tx8;
reg unknown;

ok4 = 0;
ok8 = 0;
er4 = 0;
er8 = 0;
forever #1 begin
// Trick to get 1'bX if tx6 contains any X/Z bits, else 1'b0
unknown = ^tx6;
unknown = unknown ^ unknown;
tx8 = { {2{unknown}}, tx6}; // Extend with 0 or X as necessary
if (rx8 === tx8)
ok8 = ok8 + 1;
else begin
er8 = er8 + 1;
$display("fail: rx8=%b, tx6=%b", rx8, tx6);
if (rx4 === tx6[3:0])
ok4 = ok4 + 1;
else begin
er4 = er4 + 1;
$display("fail: rx4=%b, tx6=%b", rx4, tx6);


Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
On Thu, 24 May 2007 15:34:36 +0200,
Jonathan Bromley <jonathan.bromley@MYCOMPANY.com> wrote:

A couple of bugs in the comments, kindly pointed out by
Steve Golson:

(1) All-X is indicated by a Z->X transition, NOT by 0->X
as the comments suggest.
(2) The line is NOT held at X if the input is unknown.
Instead, the line remains at Z as with all other values.
The "hold at X" idea was related to a plan I had for
managing multiple analog drivers on the same wire,
but it never came to anything. In the current
implementation, an all-X value is transmitted as the
pair of transitions Z->X->Z.

Apologies for any confusion.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.

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