Mitsubishi VS6015R RPTV no sound or picture; tubes have HV



Happy New Year all,
I have been working on this set for quite some time. The first sign of
failure was a smoking L8001 on the convergence board. Following s.e.r.'s
recommendatins, I started with the SMPS and replaced:
both 47uf 50 volt and 47uf 100 volt caps
R918 1k 1/8 watt in front of the STRS6301 swapped with a 1k 1/2 watt
R903 & R914 270k 1/8 watt replaced with 1/4 watt.
10uf 100 volt cap
47uf 100 volt cap

On main board:
C5002 (10uf 50 volt)
C542 (220uF 25v)
C503 (1uF 250v)
2SD1556 HOT (2 way short)
LA7838 vert IC

Reconnected all wires and checked for shorts on the power supply with
deflection board. Now instead of 1.2 ohm there is infinite resistance. I
was told earlier that I could power up set without convergance board
installed, so I did this. TV turns on for about 1 second and then shuts
down. Static discharge could be heard from the tubes.

Next, decided to install convergance board, with L8001 jumpered. This
time, TV would stay on, but no HV could be heard. Disconnecting the VA
connector (i think; main power) would allow set to turn on for 1 second
with HV again and then power down. I plugged in VA again and turned on
set again. The STK power amp on convergance board was producing heat,
but neither of the convergance ICs were. I left the set on for about 1
minute and suddenly I was getting HV. With the lights off, I could see
light in the neck of the tube.

I plugged in a VCR and tried to get at least sound. Nothing. Only thing
I noticed was a change in pitch of the high voltage when channels or
input was changed. With lights off in the room, green and blue tubes
would glow briefly if set was turned off and then back on again in about
3 seconds.

Am I still looking at bad caps in this set, or could there be something
else wrong? If convergence board isnt installed, should I still get audio?

A+ Certified Technician
AIM: UACybercat
** Bear Down Arizona! **
******* Go Cats! *******
forgot to mention that it is a v10 chasis

BFriedl wrote:
Happy New Year all,
I have been working on this set for quite some time. The first sign of
failure was a smoking L8001 on the convergence board. Following s.e.r.'s
recommendatins, I started with the SMPS and replaced:

A+ Certified Technician
AIM: UACybercat
** Bear Down Arizona! **
******* Go Cats! *******
Check pin one on Vertical output IC IC4A1 (LA7838), should be at least 9v.
Leaking D4000 12v zener diode pulls this down, preventing vertival startup.
Check pin 12 on same IC, should be approx. 13 v (vertical output). check
flyback and nearby solder points for bad connections, resolder anything that
looks unusual.
Sorry for the late reply, but I didn't remember until now.

On these sets I think there's a 1 wire, two pin plug sending 12V from the
deflection board to one of the CRT socket boards (IIRC the green). When you
flip up the chassis it sometimes gets unplugged from the CRT board, and you
can't see it. You also can't see that, for example you are in video 2. Of
course you have no sound.

Hope this helps.


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