Mitsubishi VS-55601 red dropping out


Matt Hoyle


I work at a university in North Carolina and we've got a Mitsubishi
VS-55601 projection TV with what appears to be a problem with the red
CRT. When the TV warms up, the red will suddenly flicker and drop off
in intensity. If you pull the back panel off the unit, you can still
see some red reflecting off the mirror, but it's very dim. A local
shop just serviced it, but the problem still persists.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Does it sound like the red CRT?

THanks in advance,
Matt Hoyle
May I presume the local servicer does warrenty their work?? Maybe they need
to have another go at the beast?? Could be a CPT or even the video driver
and output transistors. Was it serviced particulary for this symptom or for
another?? Being intermittant makes it a bit more challenging to actually
diagnose and throughly repair it.
"Matt Hoyle" <> wrote in message

I work at a university in North Carolina and we've got a Mitsubishi
VS-55601 projection TV with what appears to be a problem with the red
CRT. When the TV warms up, the red will suddenly flicker and drop off
in intensity. If you pull the back panel off the unit, you can still
see some red reflecting off the mirror, but it's very dim. A local
shop just serviced it, but the problem still persists.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Does it sound like the red CRT?

THanks in advance,
Matt Hoyle
"Art" <> wrote in message news:<>...
May I presume the local servicer does warrenty their work?? Maybe they need
to have another go at the beast?? Could be a CPT or even the video driver
and output transistors. Was it serviced particulary for this symptom or for
another?? Being intermittant makes it a bit more challenging to actually
diagnose and throughly repair it.

They're coming to check it out again. It was serviced for this
symptom. I understand your points, but I still feel they could have
done a better job. And the problem consistently appeared every time
the unit was left on for a couple hours. It wasn't intermittent in
that regard.

Thanks for your reply though. :)

Matt Hoyle

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