Mitsubishi VS-50703 numerous symptoms



Hi, looking for some input on this TV. 50" projection 6 years old. The
symtoms include: intermittent color--can still see picture clearly in
black and white, picture shrinks then completely shuts down, picture
goes black except for three lines on top, one blue, one red, one
green, picture looks semi transparent ( I have seen talk of ghosting,
don't know if thats what I have, but it seems to fit).These do not
happen all the same time, its a roll of the dice which symtom will
happen. Sometimes the set works fine, but the times of failure are
getting more frequent. Are these problems possibly related? Is this
set worth fixing. I paid nearly $2000 when it was new and have now
seen similiar models for less than $1000! Any input would be
appreciated. Thanks, Marc
Initial item you are going to have to let a qualified tech have a go at your
set. Probably at least the PIP board has developed it's classic failures
plus many of the other caps in the circuits within your set have become
rather flakey. Expect to find the cost of the repairs to be moderately
expensive. Ask for an estimate from a qualified MGA servicer before going
into this head-strong.
"Marc" <> wrote in message
Hi, looking for some input on this TV. 50" projection 6 years old. The
symtoms include: intermittent color--can still see picture clearly in
black and white, picture shrinks then completely shuts down, picture
goes black except for three lines on top, one blue, one red, one
green, picture looks semi transparent ( I have seen talk of ghosting,
don't know if thats what I have, but it seems to fit).These do not
happen all the same time, its a roll of the dice which symtom will
happen. Sometimes the set works fine, but the times of failure are
getting more frequent. Are these problems possibly related? Is this
set worth fixing. I paid nearly $2000 when it was new and have now
seen similiar models for less than $1000! Any input would be
appreciated. Thanks, Marc
It is called mass failing of capacitors, hence multiple symptoms. Call
around to several shops that specialize in doing the Mitz capacitors failure
jobs properly and take the set into them for a quality estimate of repairs.
It typically takes 3 to 4 days going through one board at a time, replacing
all suspect capacitors. and then a few days to run test the set after
repairs. Not inexpensive, but usually worth it. At least the total repairs
if you take it in should be under $500.


"Marc" <> wrote in message
Hi, looking for some input on this TV. 50" projection 6 years old. The
symtoms include: intermittent color--can still see picture clearly in
black and white, picture shrinks then completely shuts down, picture
goes black except for three lines on top, one blue, one red, one
green, picture looks semi transparent ( I have seen talk of ghosting,
don't know if thats what I have, but it seems to fit).These do not
happen all the same time, its a roll of the dice which symtom will
happen. Sometimes the set works fine, but the times of failure are
getting more frequent. Are these problems possibly related? Is this
set worth fixing. I paid nearly $2000 when it was new and have now
seen similiar models for less than $1000! Any input would be
appreciated. Thanks, Marc
If it is mostly a capacitor problem, I have an ESR meter and know how
to use it. I guess I could start with checking caps. If I don't get
anywhere with that I will try a pro for an estimate, but I would
rather put $500 toward a new set :). Thanks!!
The ESR meter will find around half the bad capacitors in a Mitz. Do not
forget to replace ALL the surface mount capacitors on the pip board and
repair any damaged traces. The remaining electrolytics will also need a
good visual check of the leads for any signs of electrolyte leakage. The
larger ones will have to be removed from the board and checked as often
times the electrolyte will have started to leak out on one of the legs, but
is not visible yet.

You may well find that even with the skill and equipment, it is quite a time
consuming task. I have had a few Mitz sets from that era require more than
one hundred eletrolytic capacitors for final solid repair.

Or you can fix all the obvious bad ones now, hopefully fix the current
problem, and try and sell the set and go for a better quality built brand
this time around.


"Marc" <> wrote in message
If it is mostly a capacitor problem, I have an ESR meter and know how
to use it. I guess I could start with checking caps. If I don't get
anywhere with that I will try a pro for an estimate, but I would
rather put $500 toward a new set :). Thanks!!
FYI Also get the actual schematic for the tele, you will need it to do a
complete, competent repair. Take your time, do not get in a hurry to do
this, done properly will result in a product you will have continued use
with. Cheers
"David" <> wrote in message
The ESR meter will find around half the bad capacitors in a Mitz. Do not
forget to replace ALL the surface mount capacitors on the pip board and
repair any damaged traces. The remaining electrolytics will also need a
good visual check of the leads for any signs of electrolyte leakage. The
larger ones will have to be removed from the board and checked as often
times the electrolyte will have started to leak out on one of the legs,
is not visible yet.

You may well find that even with the skill and equipment, it is quite a
consuming task. I have had a few Mitz sets from that era require more
one hundred eletrolytic capacitors for final solid repair.

Or you can fix all the obvious bad ones now, hopefully fix the current
problem, and try and sell the set and go for a better quality built brand
this time around.


"Marc" <> wrote in message
If it is mostly a capacitor problem, I have an ESR meter and know how
to use it. I guess I could start with checking caps. If I don't get
anywhere with that I will try a pro for an estimate, but I would
rather put $500 toward a new set :). Thanks!!
Thanks for the advice! What brand of projection Tv would you recommend
as a good quality set? While I will not sell my current set without
pro repair, it will likely need to be replaced. Thanks again!
"Marc" <> wrote in message
Thanks for the advice! What brand of projection Tv would you recommend
as a good quality set? While I will not sell my current set without
pro repair, it will likely need to be replaced. Thanks again!
The prior suggestions from others usually apply to sets older than yours.
Do a quick check for coolant leaking on the small signal board (left hand
board viewed from rear).
Other than that look for a couple of 47 uf and 100 uf caps next to the 5 and
9 (IC2P01) volt regulators on the same board.
Should be between the tall heat sinks and a 4x4 inch shield near the rear.

Good Luck,
Bill Jr

"Marc" <> wrote in message
Thanks for the advice! What brand of projection Tv would you recommend
as a good quality set? While I will not sell my current set without
pro repair, it will likely need to be replaced. Thanks again!
Yup, Bill Jr. has it nailed. I read your post after taking a good look
at the set with the cover off. The crt on the left(if looking at the
back) has leaked(coolant?) all over the tuner board. The board does
not look good, but I haven't pulled it out yet. What's the prognosis
on the crt? It does still light up blue and glow, but I assume with no
coolant it won't last long. At least I know what the problem is! Good
call Bill Jr! Thanks!
Yup, Bill Jr. has it nailed. I read your post after taking a good look
at the set with the cover off. The crt on the left(if looking at the
back) has leaked(coolant?) all over the tuner board. The board does
not look good, but I haven't pulled it out yet. What's the prognosis
on the crt? It does still light up blue and glow, but I assume with no
coolant it won't last long. At least I know what the problem is! Good
call Bill Jr! Thanks!
"David" <> wrote in message
It is called mass failing of capacitors, hence multiple symptoms. Call
around to several shops that specialize in doing the Mitz capacitors
jobs properly and take the set into them for a quality estimate of
It typically takes 3 to 4 days going through one board at a time,
all suspect capacitors. and then a few days to run test the set after
repairs. Not inexpensive, but usually worth it. At least the total
if you take it in should be under $500.

Hardly, David. This is not one of the sets that has mass failures of
capacitors. This is VZ5 chassis and more likely has a coolant leak. It
needs to be checked by a Mitsubishi ASC for sure. If it has coolant on the
signal board it can be very difficult to detect unless you know where to
look. The signal board is very difficult to rebuild and they are NLA from
Mits. Mitsubishi has made several of our customers very attractive deals on
new sets in these cases.

This chassis has actually been very reliable other than the coolant leaks
and the weird problems that they can cause. No indication of the capacitor
problems of the infamous V11, V12, and V13. It does not have the equally
infamous PIP module on which all of the caps leaked.

For the original poster, you will not find any new RPTV with similar
performance to the VS-50703 for under $1000 (under $1500, maybe) unless it
is a closeout of some kind. You are likely comparing apples and oranges.

"Marc" <> wrote in message
Yup, Bill Jr. has it nailed. I read your post after taking a good look
at the set with the cover off. The crt on the left(if looking at the
back) has leaked(coolant?) all over the tuner board. The board does
not look good, but I haven't pulled it out yet. What's the prognosis
on the crt? It does still light up blue and glow, but I assume with no
coolant it won't last long. At least I know what the problem is! Good
call Bill Jr! Thanks!
Marc, I read this after my other reply. You need to get it to a good Mits
ASC and call customer relations when they let you know that the CRTs and
signal board are NLA.


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